MovieChat Forums > Politics > The thing about MAGA ...

The thing about MAGA ...

... is that, no matter what they say to try to convince you
they are on your side or will fight for you, or that they
understand that - it's all research and technololgy from
Right-wing Think Tanks combined with massive money
from un-taxed fascist plutocrats who can control media,
and bring AI trolls to bear online to brainwash and lie to
millions of Americans based on what they vacuum up
of the Internet that people respond to.

If you are not forwarned and innoculated to understand
this and armed with suspicious and on alert not to allow
them to push you into an emotional bickering contest
you are wasting your time, and liable to be beaten down
by this automated Wizard of Oz fire and brimstone belching
anti-American bullshit.

The idea that Trump who has constantly lied to and fucked
over the American people, specifically the workers, and
anyone less rich than he is and less equipped for a prolonged
legal battle, is going to be doing anything to help the American
people is frankly just LAUGHABLE.

Furthermore, most of the voices you think you are hearing
that project a positive image and reasoning for Trump and
AI bots operating at a whole new level that have "learned"
by being trained on Internet blather that has hundreds of
billions if not trillions of threads of conversation as examples
of how to respond.

Notice how they always respond, they rarely if ever can
discuss anything - and if they do it is due to a caller program
that alerts a troll farm operative to come in and manipulate
the discussion to make it appear as if it must be a real human

The existential challenge for our country to remains truly
American is to find a way to recognize, analyze and legislate
and regulate these merciless and relentless anti-American,
anti-democratic Terminator programs, and the programming
that swamps out everything else because it has so much money
and stolen political power behind it.


More and more I see liberals requiring as a precondition for any "discussion" that the other side accept as a given, an idea or multiple ideas, that basically amount to validating the position of the left before discussion can even take place.

The maga base is mostly working class and middle class American whites. This is, and always has been the backbone of this country. YES, Trump is rich. Our leaders have almost always been rich. YES, Trump using... research and statistics and various procedures to see what will work and what won't, as does EVERYONE these days.

All you have said here is, "DON'T TRUST THE PEOPLE I OPPOSE, BECAUSE REASONS", and Trump is Rich, he won't be on your side".

I would be happy to discuss your only real point, ie Trump is rich, thus not on your side, but you don't get to just assert it and demand it as a premise.

BTW, that fact that you want that? It makes it look like on some level, you know that you cannot support your opposition to him, logically or rationally. FYI.


what I love about MAGA is that everyone talks about MAGA. no one talks about that other guy. but more people want MAGA and will vote for MAGA again.


I think you set a world record for logical fallacies. Congratulations.


I wouldn't be worried even if I thought you knew what a fallacy was.


What's the name for the logical fallacy where you insist that your conclusion be accepted as a premise?


A fallacy was your father not pulling out of your mother and wiping you off on the sheets.


You are an ugly vicious anti-social psychopath. You must really be hating life.


it's all research and technololgy from
Right-wing Think Tanks combined with massive money
from un-taxed fascist plutocrats who can control media,
and bring AI trolls to bear online to brainwash and lie to
millions of Americans based on what they vacuum up
of the Internet that people respond to.

Right, because if there's any advantage that Trump has, it's all the positive press he gets. And all those Russian 'bots.

We've got another passenger on the short bus here.


> We've got another passenger on the short bus here.

Quoting someone else's old joke does not make you clever, right or indicate you have anything intelligent to say.


Someone else's old joke? Whose?


As soon as you use the word "fascist", you prove you're a fucking moron and none of your words have any credibility whatsoever. Drink the Kool Aid all you want but don't peddle it to those who know better. You're nothing but shills for a corrupt establishment. Lemming voters perpetuating the control of wealthy elites and dirty corporations.


> As soon as you use the word "fascist", you prove you're a fucking moron

I could say authoritarian instead of fascist with the same meaning, and I could also reverse that with more weight behind it pointing to your use of "fucking moron" and "drinking Kool Aid" and "Lemming" and "shills". Pack as much nonsense into your comments as you want, when you cannot converse in an adult manner it only puts yourself in the toilet.

Your support for Trump only fucks yourself, so I don't have to tell you to do that.

You don't seem to understand, or maybe you agree with the Republican goal of ending democracy and voting. There is a lot of quotes from Republican leaders you either have missed or don't know how to parse.


You idiots aren't worth an intellectual response. It's a waste of keystrokes. Your language is propaganda and lies, this is just another example.

Not fascist or authoritarian. For the Constitution, as it was originally written and intended. All else is a leftist march towards AUTHORITARIANISM.

Mass psychosis, it's a thing and the left is drowning in it.

MAGA Republican Pledges “End of Democracy” to Rabid Cheers at CPAC

Read it and realize you've been co-opted to destroy your country your dumb***, just so you can rant and rave and pretend to feel superior to the Libards. How cheap your sell yourself.

Conservative activist Jack Posobiec joyfully hailed the “end of democracy” at the Conservative Political Action Conference, further emphasizing Republicans’ apparent desire to completely overthrow America as we know it.

Posobiec, who helped popularize the “Pizzagate” conspiracy theory, appeared at CPAC’s opening day on Wednesday. He spoke during a panel moderated by former White House adviser and white supremacist Steve Bannon.

“Welcome to the end of democracy. We are here to overthrow it completely,” Posobiec said as the event began.


Sounds bad. if he's serious I assume he said HOW that would happen or WHAT he or Trump would do.

Because the policy proposals I've heard from Trump all sound pretty reasonable and nothing that would threaten or "end" American representative government.


This is you on a daily basis over Trump.. Honest to God, I've never seen one man get this many people on the left worked up than Soon to be our 47th President in Donald Trump?? It's almost bordering on fake outrage at this point.. 🤔


It seems that he's having a manic day.


Anyone paste the Cliff Notes from this wall of text?


I did actually, in my response. Here it is:

All you have said here is, "DON'T TRUST THE PEOPLE I OPPOSE, BECAUSE REASONS", and Trump is Rich, he won't be on your side".
