MovieChat Forums > Politics > How Hamas conned the World and democrats...

How Hamas conned the World and democrats and Robo....

The video hits different after October 7th 2023

Here after Hamas cons the world.


Still love it and still laughing, years after and dozen of views since the first. "We are small and we took some pictures with doves." Awesome!


I love how this could have came out a week ago and it would still be relevant, almost like hamas hasn't changed


I'm sure they're enjoying their propaganda victories and these dumb fucking democrat supporters.


they do love their propaganda. Robo does too. lol


Robo paces all day in mom's basement while muttering about Trump and eating cereal out of the toilet. Top five dumbest asses here.


I see I'm living in JoWilli's and your head rent free. That's got to be uncomfortable for you. I'm flattered but I still know that you are very stupid and gullible. But I get it. Watching your orange master sitting in court being tried for 34 felonies with 3 more trials coming up really upsets you. Here, have a tissue. 🧻


Don't flatter yourself. I check in every few days to razz you dumbasses. You live here, rent-free, just like Trump in your empty skull.


robo doesnt know whats going on, he said he vapes 91% THC oil all day. and I assume his handlers programmed him to talk about Trump everyday as a distraction.


I guess everybody needs a hobby and he ain't gotta job.


I'm a disabled veteran drawing a check from the VA. Why would I get a job? You are even more stupid than I thought if that's even possible.


some people have to work, they cant sit around the house and smoke weed all day and whine about Trump.


lol. no not really. its going to be interesting when Trump is President again. this site will prob crash with all the new posts and then mods will start putting limits on posting and deleting posts. I will bookmark this just in case.


US President Joe Biden:

“What is happening in Gaza, is 100% NOT a GENOCIDE!”


It's just another case of a successful con game. You make up a fake, "Pity poor me" narrative, lie your ass off in doctored videos designed to make you look like a victim and the person you hate look like a bully (when often the opposite is true), tell your sob story to anyone young and/or stupid, who doesn't personally know you or know anything about the bigger picture, trick them into feeling sorry for you, and take them for all they've got.

Its part of how the gay lobby got so powerful over the past 50 years. It's also how narcissists find new victims once they've used up their old victim and discarded them.



coming soon.....


What it takes to con Democrats:

“We’ll let you burn the flag and hate American first”


they want to be like nikel back and burn it all to the ground and then put everyone in san quentin


Hillary Clinton warned Sunday that Russian President Vladimir Putin will try to interfere with the upcoming 2024 election.

“I fear that the Russians have proved themselves to be quite adept at interfering, and if he has a chance, he’ll do it again,” the former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee said on MSNBC’s “Inside with Jen Psaki.”

Russia tried to hijack the US election through "propaganda on steroids", says a Democratic senator investigating alleged Kremlin political meddling.

As the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing opened, its Republican chairman also warned: "We are all targets of a sophisticated and capable adversary."

Russia is already spreading disinformation in advance of the 2024 election, using fake online accounts and bots to damage President Joe Biden and his fellow Democrats, according to former U.S. officials and cyber experts.
