MovieChat Forums > Politics > Dow closes above 40,000 for first time e...

Dow closes above 40,000 for first time ever

Thanks, Joe


Not helping Red Lobster...

Many businesses are preparing for economic disaster if Biden is reelected.

The average daily market is not an accurate reflection of the true economy until the quarterly reports.


Dumb decisions at headquarters. Of course, all-you-can-eat promotions would bankrupt the company.


"Full Time Employment in the United States averaged 101037.26 thousand from 1968 until 2024, reaching an all time high of 134859.00 thousand in June of 2023."
"Compensation costs for civilian workers increased 4.2 percent for the 12-month period ending in March 2024 and increased 4.8 percent in March 2023. Wages and salaries increased 4.4 percent for the 12-month period ending in March 2024 and increased 5.0 percent for the 12-month period ending in March 2023."

Yeah, we don't need disasters like increased employment and increased wages. Bring back the Republicans!
(And the "economic disaster" that "businesses are preparing for?" Would that be paying a living wage or shutting down because their product is so bad they can't afford to pay anything above slave labor? That's how capitalism is supposed to work when management and labor are both represented.) (This is a Californian's perspective. I know in many states (coughred!) the minimum wage is unlivable and a worker's only option is to relocate.)


How does a good day at the market help average Americans afford groceries?

Democrats caused that problem.


So you just ignore the good numbers and switch to inflation talk, OK.
"Average' Americans are invested in the market, too (though many don't know it). And inflation is a wotrld-wide problem, as I'm sure you are aware but refuse to acknowledge because even the Democrats can't be that powerfull. You obviously have little knowledge of market forces. All you know is "inflation bad! President Schitzenpants good!"
And by the way, inflation is headed down: "US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year."
Thank you President Biden, indeed!


It's like 14% where are you getting your fake numbers?


U S Bureau of Labor Statistics. You're the only fake thing on here.


Thank you, President Biden!


how does this help the 8 americans that were kidnapped by Hamas...


How does this help the destruction of our children's future by allowing millions of illegals pour over an open southern border?


it doesnt. dems dont care about anything until its a republican president. the world could be on fire and they would still be saying that there is nothing to worry about. reminds of the movie Dont Look Up. it basically mocks dems.


USA national debt at 34.59 trillion for the first time ever.

Thanks, Joe.


dems dont want to talk about that! nothing to see here, move along.


You should change your name to Reactionary Troglodyte. Why do you want to call yourself something you are obviously not? It just reinforces the meme that Repubs lie and are not ashamed to admit it.


By 'lie' you mean the national debt is really 34.75tn ? But even that figure will be out of date by the time you read this.


I thought when the economy was bad is it was world wide problem and Biden has nothing to do with it.

So when good things are alleged to happen, why should he get any credit?

Biden Logic is hard to follow.

Still not clear on why it's okay for a father to have a shower with his 11 year old daughter.


Because tRump was president when the economy went smash. Biden wasn't in any government post. You must know the facts to appreciate the logic.


You sound like your native language is Russian or Chinese.

You shill long time comrade?


Olde Gramps debating style still in use! Amazing! Yes, I'm a RUSSO-CHINEE-SDS agitator (and America's future!).


That's great, we can all watch it go up but if you try to get any out they take it all away.




They want to put us all back in chains. And it don't put anymore jobs on my plate. Just take it and throw it to the big guys.


Where will they put us to work, Lord?


You forgot to say the magic word.


Where will they put us to work, Lord Jackoff?


You forgot to say the magic word.


You just don't have a clue, do you? Lol.


The magic word is please Mr. Peck.


Like Bill Maher said, the only reason Biden is even wanting to debate Trump is because Biden knows he's losing to Trump in November and that's what losers do in a last ditch effort.


If the stock market does well while a democrat is in office, it's in spite of their efforts, not because of them. It's the power of capitalism, not you retards. You'd fail a basic economics exam.


You fail in basic logic. If two phenomena occur simultaneously more often than you would expect them to just by chance (and history shows that the economy always fares better under Democratic administrations), this is evidence supportive of a causal link.


Oh God, I had to pick myself off the floor after I passed out laughing. A liberal, going to preach to me about logical fallacies and economics. That a good one.
