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Stormy Daniels' husband says they'll probably leave country if Trump gets acquitted

"If Trump is found not guilty… I don’t think it gets better for her, you know? I think if it’s not guilty, we got to decide what to do. Good chance we’ll probably vacate this country," Blade said Tuesday on CNN."

Gotta say, so far, he's going to be found Not Guilty just for the entire sideshow this trial has become, right down to Cohen saying Trump was amazing to work for when they're trying to nail his ass and that didn't bode well.. 😂


I wouldn't be so confident. The books are cooked in all of this lawfare.


I cant see why it would make a difference to her either way.


Please leave then. You'll probably fit in well with the crazies who are running Canada into the ground.


I remember a few celebrities threatening the same in 2016.


Donald Trump:

He promised to build a wall. He only did 458 miles out of 2,000. Most
of it was repair or replacement, not new.

He promised to make Mexico pay. They didn't.

He promised to cut the deficit. He added $8T to it.

He promised to unveil a new healthcare plan. It didn't exist.

He promised a middle class tax cut. He cut taxes for the rich. The middle class is paying for it.

He said he wouldn't play golf as president. He made 250 visits (way more than in Obama's 8 years) to his golf clubs. It cost taxpayers $150 million.

He said he'd increase economic growth by 4%. He didn't. President Biden did.

He promised an infrastructure plan. He had none. President Biden signed a massive one.

He promised to hire the best people. He fired 3/4 of them and then said they were the worst ever.

He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs. He didn't. President Biden did.

He promised to lockup Hillary. It didn't happen.

He promised we'd win the trade war with China. We didn't. It cost about a quarter million jobs and hurt Americans not help them.

He promised his corporate tax cuts would help and benefit workers and corporations would use that money to invest in American workers. They didn't, they used that money to buy back stocks.

He promised to bring back and revive the coal industry. It never happened. More coal jobs were lost during his presidency.

He promised to drain the swamp. He didn't. He was the swamp.

It's great for America that Trump will never be president again.


What a massive rant of propaganda? Seek help.


Tell us exactly what's on that list is that you believe is incorrect. Seek help? I see a VA doctor once or twice a month since 9/11 so i do seek help for my healthcare. I've explained that to you any times I seek medical help. best part? I don't have to pay a penny for any health care I received include prescription medications and over the counter drugs. The when I die I get buried for free so I won't burden my daughter.



Who would marry a pornstar?!? Paying one for a quick fuck like Mr. Trump did, I get, but marriage to a whore?!? I just don't understand....


He gets off on being cucked. Probably a closeted homo.




Prostitution is legal in Amsterdam.

Just saying...


Same with a few brothels in Nevada.


Cohens lawyer just said Cohen lied under oath.

Not a cause for reasonable doubt though. lol!!!

The Walls are closing in!


Wait a minute, I thought "bombshell testimony!" was reserved for those occasions when it might hurt Trump.


All of the trials are falling apart because they are all bullshit.

Imagine resting all your political hopes on a fucking stripper. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


The best part was when Cohen said it was amazing to work for Trump and not exactly what Alvin Braggs had in mind when putting him on the stand.. 🤣🤣


Wasn’t Cohen “the Democrat front runner for president” at one time?


