MovieChat Forums > Politics > Netyanahu said that he does not recogniz...

Netyanahu said that he does not recognize the court in Hague!

Netyanahu said that he does not recognize the court in Hague. That he is free to do whatever he wants and that he will not hand over to them even one soldier of Israel who committed war crimes

"Under my leadership, Israel will never accept any attempt by the Hague Criminal Court to undermine its fundamental right to defend itself.

The threat against IDF soldiers and public figures of Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and the only Jewish state in the world, is scandalous.

We will not give in to him.

Israel will continue until victory in our just war against the abominable terrorists who seek to destroy us.

We will never stop defending ourselves.

While the Hague Tribunal's decisions will not affect Israel's actions, they will set a dangerous precedent that threatens the soldiers and public figures of any democracy fighting criminal terrorism and dangerous aggression." he said.


Netyanahu will never do one day in jail.
He is hated in Israel, he is hated across the world. However, as the most powerful politician in the world with the backing of the central banks he has carte blanche to do whatever he wants with impunity.
It’s due to his insanely powerful position the US fear him. They all fall all over themselves trying to kiss his ring.
The obscener your goy statement of love for Israel is the more they think they will be loved in the end.


Netanyahu is right. These supposed global authorities and organizations have been corrupted to the point that they do not work, or they work for crime and terrorism. Bravo Benjamin Netanyahu - a world leader with the balls to stand up to terrorist evil.


Israeli officials have asked the US to sanction the International Criminal Court in The Hague for being anti semitic if it issues an arrest warrant against Netanyahu and his government - Saudi media


Interesting. These global organizations, the UN, ICC, ... have been taken over by anti-Western interests. It is bizarre how Israel and the Jews somehow represent the ultimate white caucasian Western influence in the world. This is the result of some sick minds that cannot be changed.


I want to also mention that I wouldn't trust them to give any American solider a fair trial either.


" These supposed global authorities and organizations have been corrupted to the point that they do not work"

hmm , or is this just another sign that perhaps Israel is not as blameless as you believe
when you start calling the entire rest of the world evil -- are you really in the right ?

Have you ever considered , if *everybody else* is "wrong" , perhaps you're the problem?


Did you ever hear of East and West Pakistan?


Help me out, what does the East and West Pakistan situation have to do with this?


Muslims cannot live with anyone. Do your own research, I'm sick of spoon feeding morons on MC ( not calling you a moron ) who just disagree with any facts they don't understand. East Pakistan is now called Bangladesh by the way.


Okay, I get it now. I just didn't see the connection at first.

The Indian partition after WWII is a topic that gets little to no attention in our schools. It was a horrifically violent event. And the Hindus were no less guilty than the Moslems of atrocities. Why we let any of these people into our lands is mind-boggling.


I have.

Have YOU ever considered that the mob can be wrong and the lone individual or few, can be right?


Sure , but its not usually the norm ,
especially when "the mob" is
The United Nations
The Hague
Amnesty International
International law itself.

All of whom have "condemmed" Israel for barbaric behavior even before this latest outburst.


EVERY aspect of the modern liberal world that you like, from NOT slavery, to women's rights, Free Speech, ect. ect. ect.

was at one point in history, the belief of a small group of radicals while the "mob" or the established power structure dismissed them as... nuts or stupid or evil.

There is a reason why Appeal to Authority and/o Appeal to Popularity are considered logical fallacies.

Do you have any idea what it means for an argument to be a logical fallacy?


He/she/it has no friggin' clue. They talk about how conservatives are cult-like, surrendering our own judgment and worshiping Trump like a God. When that is exactly what they do, every single day, without even knowing it.


i'VE lost count of the numbers of time I find my self explaining concepts such as "supporting argument" or "logical fallacy" to them people.

ALL they know is what the tv told them and to spout it back out.




Kind of like people claiming the election was stolen. Making this claim before it's proven can make you look dumb.


Appeal to authority, because you morons can't think for yourselves.


The US threatens the International Criminal Court in The Hague:

"If you send an arrest warrant to Netanyahu and his ministers, there will be no cease-fire" - Bloomberg reports

The US and its allies are concerned that the International Criminal Court may issue arrest warrants for Jewish Israeli officials just as the country is getting closer to a cease-fire agreement with Hamas, potentially jeopardizing a deal, people familiar with the matter said. - the article says.


He must need a wheelbarrow to carry those balls around in. For you liberal retards, this is what leadership looks like. Israel has been tolerating terrorists next door to appease idiots like you for far too long. I once heard the Palestinian people aptly described as the grass the snakes hide in. `Tis true. They're now getting their just reward. Fuck `em.



The United Nations and ICC are Zionist banker owned propaganda fronts.

That's why nothing ever gets done.


The US is preparing sanctions against the international criminal court in The Hague because of the arrest warrant for Jewish Netanyahu - Times of Israel

Unprecedented in human history.

Members of Congress have warned the International Criminal Court that they will retaliate if arrest warrants are issued against Netanyahu and other senior Jewish Israeli officials.

Speaker Mike Johnson:

"If unchallenged by the Biden administration, the ICC could create and assume unprecedented power to issue arrest warrants against American political leaders, American diplomats, and American military personnel, thereby endangering our country's sovereign authority, they must be stopped"

Members of Congress from both parties are reportedly preparing legislation to sanction ICC officials now, unless they back down.


Hitler is rolling in his grave. He made allies of the wrong side. Or maybe he trained the Jews well to take up the mantle in his passing on how to exterminate a group but with a slow simmer than a group bang.


United States Senate issues warning to the International Court of Justice that if they issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and other Jewish Zionist Israeli war criminals, the US will move to sanction and destroy the court.


Source for this?



Seems fake as fuck. The end paragraph sounds like a threat not even the United banana states af whateverthefuckcountry senate would issue.


We will see! I think it’s gen!


Letter seems true, but still fake. 12 US senators that are clearly bought by israel signd this piece of shit letter. Not US senate. Just 12 spineless cheap whores pieces of shit.
Not enough to say US senate is threatening the ICC.


Let’s hope so brother! Scumbags. They came cheap for the Jew.


Just 12 spineless cheap whores pieces of shit.

$6 million from the Israel lobby can buy plenty of wheelchairs.
