MovieChat Forums > Politics > Pres. Trump leaves Biden in the dust.......

Pres. Trump leaves Biden in the dust....SHATTERS one day fundraising record with $50 million

People seem to forget that in February of 2020 President Trump was looking at a landslide victory for reelection in November.
Then, a once in a generation event occurred; a worldwide pandemic.
To his credit, Pres. Trump did something that was unprecedented; on a daily basis he stood up in front of a mostly hostil press and answered their questions. Sometimes for over an hour. EVERY DAY.
The Democrats and their allies in the media used Covid to pummel Pres. Trump. While it is true that Pres. Trump at times misspoke or said something in an unartful way, his daily press conferences were an effort to give hope to the American people and to keep America from falling into panic mode. Again, a President of the United States taking questions for hours from a group of people who hated his guts was something that we had never seen from a previous president. But the Democrats and the media saw their opening, and created false narrative after false narrative. To this day Joe Biden continues to insist (and the press back him up) that Pres. Trump told people to inject themselves with bleech. Something that Pres. Trump never said.
As the 2020 election camer nearer, the Democrats saw another opening. They decided to use Covid to completely change (sometimes illegally) election laws. Suddenly tens of millions of unsolicited ballots were being sent out via the US postal system to....well, no one really knows. With poll books ridiculously out of date, there was no way of knowing where millions upon millions of ballots were going. At the same time that these ballots were flooding American mailboxes, Democrats in various cities and states started getting rid of systems that were in place to make sure our elections were secure. Signature verification out the window. Voter ID out the window. Ballot "drop boxes" popping up all over the country, primarily in districts that leaned heavily in favor of Democrats. We saw people (sometimes the same person over and over) going from ballot box to ballot box stuffing them with multiple ballots. Then on election day we saw something that, again, we had never seen in any other election. Republican poll watchers being denied access to polling stations. Large pieces of cardboard being placed over windows to block people's view of the ballot counting process. Republican poll watchers being yelled at and intimidated while their ballot challenges went undocumented, which is blatantly illegal. Boxes and boxes of ballots being secretly brought into polling stations AFTER the polls had already closed. Strange plumbing issues that resulted in all poll watchers being sent home, and the ballot counting continuing once they were gone. Batches of ballots being scanned into machines not once but TWICE! Ballot counting machines that were NOT supposed to be connected to the internet that had internet connections. Flash drives with election data on them disappearing. Batches of ballots being counted that had no chain of custody documentation.
And the result was an imbecile being sent into the White House.
After four years of incompetence, and with the planet on the verge of the first major world war in almost 100 years, maybe the American people have finally smartened up.


Xiden has the CCP funding him while the smart money is going to Trump.
