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Buzzfeed published list of world leaders who jailed their opponents. Should Biden be added to list?

Going back to 2016, when during a debate Donald Trump said if he was elected he would appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Hillary Clinton's mishandling of hundreds of classified documents via her unsecure email server, Buzzfeed felt obligated to criticize Trump's statement by posting this article listing all the political world leaders who had their opponents prosecuted and jailed.
I wonder if Buzzfeed will update the article to add corrupt Joe Biden to their list.
(For the record, PRESIDENT Trump never followed through on his threat to Clinton, so he could not be added to Buzzfeed's list.)


naw, they are not allowed to criticize their Dear Leader Joe Biden. if you cross him, he will either sniff you or put you in jail for no reason...


It's Buzzfeed so no Joe would not be on such a list.


Trump didn't need Biden, he's doing a fantastic job jailing himself


Looks like it's missing Trudeau Jr.


There have been plenty who deserved it like Tojo of Japan, Duvalier of Haiti, Sturgeon of Scotland, Sarkozy of France, Fillon of France, Sargsyan of Armenia, Karadzic of Serbia, Socrates of Portugal, Chirac of France, Babic of Serbia, Donitz of Germany, Ceausescu of Romania, Milosevic of Serbia, O'Connor of Australia, Burke of Australia, Noriega of Panama...


Trump jailed himself. This is criminal not political.


SUre it is!! LOL!! Pres. Trump is being prosecuted by Joe Biden's DOJ for mishandling classified documents. It was recently discovered that Joe Biden had classified documents in his possession, some dating back to his time as a Senator, so he would not be able to use the Presidential Records Act as a defense.
Is Joe Biden also going to prosecute HIMSELF??? LOL!!


NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW!! Unless your last name is "Biden"... or "Epps" also

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.


What is the crime again? Like actual crime, not trumped up charges that are bullshit.

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.
Leftists always lie.
Wokeness is Weakness.
