MovieChat Forums > Anime > Is 'Pokemon' franchise doomed?

Is 'Pokemon' franchise doomed?

Apparently, some people think that the entire 'Pokemon' franchise might be in jeopardy due to a recent 'Pokemon' anime series fiasco.

What do you think?


To me, the backlash from this is hilarious.

I realized after season 2 that the Pokemon anime was just fluff to advertise the games and that they were never going to let Ash become good or win anything.

Did every one not see the last 4 seasons of the anime series? I know this generation was more popular than the previous ones, but still.

I guess all the new fans were fooled when Ash's Goodra returned.


I never got into Pokemon, I gave it a chance when I was a kid but hated that they didn't talk which made me prefer Digimon. I thought the story was lame too and felt he was never going to catch them all. Pretty sad the show is still going on with not much progress in the actual story. I need to know the shows I watch will have a conclusion and real growth in the characters.


Haha, Digimon...they practically ripped off the entire concept of Pokemon, and admitted it.

The first season of Pokemon before they dumbed it down and censored the fights for western audiences were always the best.

If the ratings take a nose dive from this however, it can only be a positive as it will make them stop treating the current fans of the anime like idiots.

People are never going to quit playing the games though. Sun and Moon would really have to suck for that to even begin to happen.

Reader discretion is advised


Haha, Digimon...they practically ripped off the entire concept of Pokemon, and admitted it.
A lot of shows have copied others, still felt Digimon executed the concept better.


Digimon isn't even that similar to Pokémon, when you get down to it.

Sure, in both shows there are kids and cute little monsters, but the similarities pretty much stop there.

Pokémon is meant to take place in one world -- Pokémon World -- while Digimon takes place in both the real world and the Digital world.

In Pokémon, the whole point is to try to 'catch 'em all', and in Digimon, it's one monster per chosen child -- no more than that.

When something evolves in Pokémon, it does not revert, whereas in Digimon, it's an energy-based thing and the creatures are constantly devolving back as far as infant form.

In Pokémon, there are leagues, gyms and gym leaders, and badges that are all very important in the process to become a trainer. People are constantly battling their Pokémon. None of that exists in Digimon -- the only ones they fight are the defective or infected data, in other words other Digimon, in order to prevent the Digital world from negatively affecting the real world and to achieve symbiosis.

If a Pokémon is wiped out in battle, it can simply rest, go to the clinic, and it will live to fight another day. If a Digimon is wiped out in battle, its data is deleted. It may be reborn as an egg, but in most cases it's game over, man, game over.

Arc three of Digimon was particularly different because it directly acknowledges itself and its first two arcs as being a televison show and card game phenomenon within the show itself. It's quite fourth wall-breaking, in a sense.

Many of the games in the Digimon series also have quite different gameplay from the Pokémon games.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


That's a great breakdown of Digimon. I also get skeptical when people compare the two, at their core they are completely different franchises. The only glaring similarity is the the amiable relations between monster and human.

But the the conflicts and character motivations are very different in each show. Also I think Digimon's season 2-4 are better than anything I've seen on Pokemon.

"Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish."
-Blair Waldorf


That's not too difficult when the Pokémon franchise essentially stopped trying to be a real anime series after the indigo season to dumb it down/ sanitize it for the West as some parents started complaining that it was too violent for a children's series.

The anime hasn't been the Pokémon franchise's strength since(I mark it at the first Pokémon movie tbh). But it's always been the games where Pokémon has exceled in, and it that aspect, Digimon has never come close.

No one Gives it to have to take it


Digimon World 3 was a good game imo

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