MovieChat Forums > Composers > Best Scores of 2013 so far

Best Scores of 2013 so far

So what're your faves of the year so far? (I figured we gotta try and jump-start this board again...a lot of people here are just awesome, and this is the only place I ever get to talk to them really).

Here are my top's so far of the year. Hasn't been a super stellar few months for scores, but hey -- there's a long way left to go :D

1. Oz: The Great and Powerful - Danny Elfman
Redundant Elfman, sure. But Elfman repeating himself is still just about as enjoyable a score listen as you can find, and I thought Oz was a blast.

2. Side Effects - Thomas Newman
I really dug this score; I also really dug Skyfall though, so what do I know. Creepy and subtle, but also kinda chill and beautiful in a way.

3. Jack the Giant Slayer - John Ottman
Didn't love it as much as most (Ottman's just...not my guy) but it was easily the best score of his in ages, and the action music was a lot of fun. An exhausting album, but a gooder.

4. Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters - Atli Ovarsson
Instantly overlooked because of...well, I guess just because Ovarsson did it, but I thought it was a dark, action packed blast, similar to the kind of music you often hear in a Zach Snyder film (wether you like that or not...)

5. Stoker - Clint Mansell
I love Mansell, and this was a good one from him; nowhere near the epic beauty of Fountain or disturbing qualities or Requiem, but a very interesting score, quite a lot like Black Swan.

And the rest...

6. A Good Day to Die Hard - Marco Beltrami
7. Evil Dead - Roque Banos
8. Escape From Tomorrow - Abel Kahdiljhfdsklg
9. Warm Bodies - Marco Beltrami
10. Gangster Squad - Steve Jablonsky


I haven't heard any of your top 5 (yet), so I have some catching up to do. I do really like Gangster Squad and A Good Day to Die Hard, so those are at the front of the pack for me. I've heard Oz and Jack the Giant Slayer, and am hoping Zimmer's The Bible and Silvestri's The Croods deliver the goods as well.


It's Abel Korzeniowski. Looking up his correct name on yahoo just takes half a minute. Anyway I'm off to listening to his new score, I'm always glad when he composes something new, for me he's one of the best recent composers who hasn't been properly discovered by Hollywood yet.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Relax, I was just trying to be funny. I was also writing that while at work, so...wanted to get it all out as fast as possible :P

As for Hollywood, they'll figure it out soon enough. He's crazy talented.


Oblivion is my favourite score so far, but I hope Man of Steel will change that next week.

This world is a comedy to those that think, a tragedy to those that feel.


Epic, Oz, Evil Dead, The Croods and A Good Day to Die Hard.
