MovieChat Forums > International Cinema > Films from Australia or New Zealand.

Films from Australia or New Zealand.

Can anyone suggest a good AU/NZ film?


Sorry, most of the movies from Australian and New Zealand I have seen were made before I started to file them into my computer, and I cannot recall all titles.

I am absolutely sure that the Australian movie which I (by no means necessarily you!) love most is “Proof” by Jocelyn Moorhouse (1991).

I recall another movie in which a father take his two children (perhaps around 11-14) by car long into the desert, and then shoots at them – not to kill them but to make sure that it is not an accident that he drives away. But an aborigine young boy finds them and help them to a place where white people live.

Well, I have more or less confused memories of single scenes.

Concerning New Zealand, everyone except me loves Jane Campion’s movies:

“Sweetie” (1989)

“An Angel at My Table” (1990)

“The Piano” (1993)

Further movies from New Zealand:

“Heavenly Creatures” by Peter Jackson (1994)
This is about the legal case of 1954 when two 15-year-old girls murdered the mother of one of them. I am old enough to recall the case. Maybe I did not read the newspapers very well (there were not TV at that time), or maybe I have forgotten many details. But I have no recollection that they were Lesbian. The whole family of one of the girl was going to South Africa, and the mother or the other would not allow her daughter to get a passport.

Today everyone knows about Peter Jackson’s Tolkien movies.

My own favourite would probably be

“Memory & Desire” by Niki Caro (1998)
The couple are Japanese immigrants in NZ. They are no doubt in very deep love. But the boy is impotent. Therefore kissing and embracing and hugging have been more hot and intensive and deep than in any other movie. The boys will eventually drown, and we will never learn whether it was an accident or suicide.

Niki Caro also directed “Whale Rider” (2002). The context is Maori customs. The only one of the next generation who has the appropriate personality for being a headman, is a girl. But it is impossible that a girl could be allowed to undergo training for this job. Though perhaps something happens that gives the old man no other choice.


2)"Heavenly Creatures"
3)"Romper Stomper"
4)"Angel at my Table"
5)"Meet the Feebles"
6)"Whale Rider"
7)"Don's Party"
8)"Muriels Wedding"
9)"Quiet Room"
10)"Once Were Warriors"

"Stale donuts are the reason STRONG COFFEE was invented!!"


Breaker Morant
Turkey Shoot
Mad Max
Wake in fright
Odd angry shot
Don's Party
The Quiet Earth
Once were warriors
Pacific Banana


The Magician
Two Hands
In My Father's Den

$5000? Who do you guys think you are,The Beatles?


Depends on your tastes, but the following list is a broad range of what I think may appeal to you ( You might need a course in Australian humour?):


Muriel's Wedding (1994)
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert (1994)
Wolf Creek(2005)
The Castle (1997)
Chopper (2000)
Lantana (2001)
Jindabyne (2006)
Breaker Morant (1980)
Gallipoli (1981)
Evil Angels (1988)
The Devils Playground (1976)
My Brilliant Career (1979)


The Piano (1993)
Once Were Warriors (1994)
Whale Rider (2002)
Smash Palace (1981)


Looking for Alibrandi

Word of the month Shpadoinkle


Australia: Rabbit Proof Fence (simply superb) and New Zealand: Whale Rider.
