MovieChat Forums > Western > I hope hollywood remakes Big Valley. Gu...

I hope hollywood remakes Big Valley. Gunsmoke. Bonanza and The Rifleman

There is already a remake of Big Valley and gunsmoke in the works per movie insider. I could definetly see a big screen remake of the rifleman starring matthew mcConaughey . Laredo and Daniel Boone would be pretty cool remakes too

"Touchdoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooown Auburn"


No thanks!! There are already TOO MANY rehashes! Come-up with something original like Open Range was (best Western so far in the 21st century).

I'll let you know when I come-up with a new signature, .


Please, leave "Gunsmoke" alone, no way they can improve it, let future generations watch the reruns!


Too many modern big screen versions of classic TV shows have been cheap flops that were just made because of name recognition (sort of like all those movies based on SNL sketches) but had no value of their own except to make viewers want to return to the originals.

I would only go see a "Gunsmoke" film if Matt Dillon were cast to play Matt Dillon.


Trust me. I’m The Doctor.


What's the point, they would flop anyway?
