MovieChat Forums > Cult TV > Any One Step Beyond fans here?

Any One Step Beyond fans here?

I'm a new fan of this series having come across it on Youtube.I'm a Twilight Zone fan and the similarity between the two series is why I started watching. I'm glad I did the stories are brilliant, some are really creepy.

Anyone who doesn't know what the series is about here's a brief description.
It deals with true unexplained events like telepathy, predicting disasters and having premonitions of the future. Like Twilight Zone it has a host who introduces each episode.

Any other fans out there? what are your thoughts on the series?

"It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things."


I like this series quite a bit,it was always interesting,though gets unfair comparisons to "The Twilight Zone" and "Thriller". This was meant more as a documentary approach rather than straight fiction like those series were.

Here in Region One,the first season was released to DVD,in a noticably improved picture quality.Sadly,we are still waiting for the offical second and third season releases.

I saw 'The Vanishing Point' on Youtube,and that is one of my favorites.


Nice to find another fan. I agree about theTwilight Zone comparison. I actually find this a bit more scary as the individual stories are all true, therefore unsettling as there isn't a rational explanation for their happening.

"It is my business to protect your majesty.... against all things."


Yes,the idea that these stories really happened(maybe!)is unsettling,though it depends on if you believe in precognition,psychic powers,and so on. It's funny how Lance Henrickson said how he didn't like to use the word Psychic in relation to Frank Black from "Millennium",but I keep an open mind!


YES. I love One Step Beyond. I like that the stories are real occurrences. I had a dream in the mid-90's about a tidal wave. In the dream I saw a palm through a high window in this small building and knew I was somewhere in Central America. I was frantically trying to get a woman and her little son out of there to safety, but she couldn't understand me. When I woke up I thought I'd just had a "frantic dream." 3 weeks later a tidal wave devastated the east coast of Nicaragua. That's the trouble with some clairvoyance...not enough info in the dream or premonition. There is an episode on One Step Beyond where a guy in Hawaii knew there would be a tidal wave there and he did warn people and they got to safety. I'm sorry I couldn't have done the same for Nicaragua.
I like Twilight Zone, original Outer Limits and Night Gallery. If you want to see a good episode of Outer Limits try The Man Who Was Never Born. You can see it on Hulu. Or IMDb will take you to Hulu if you go to the episode list from the detail page of the show on this site. I watched Corpus Earthling right here on IMDb. The suggested episode is in the first season episode list.


You can count me in. I didn't believe that most of the stories were real, but I enjoyed them all the same. This show doesn't get shown on TV as much as it should, which is very said. They certainly do not make TV like they used to any more.

The best episode was the documentary episode about the ''mushroom'' in Mexico. Very fascinating.

Haply I may remember,
And haply may forget.


Don't you have to subscribe and pay some guy in order to see episodes of the show on Youtube?

I saw the list of your favorite TV shows and I like many of the same ones. I still love the original Outer Limits dearly. Some episodes made lasting impressions on my own life. It came on when I was a teenager. The episodes that lasted with me: The Man Who Was Never Born, The Inheritors Parts 1 & 2, and Behold Eck!


Hello back,

No, YouTube is free; depending on if it's copyrighted material or not, some Films & TV will be uploaded, then taken down, sometimes repeatedly!

Thank you for viewing my lists; I looked at yours, and like some of the same actresses, like Gail Russell, whose most famous film,The Uninvited, is finally coming to DVD this October. Joel McCrea stars in one of my favorite films Sullivan's Travels


Hi yourself,

I appreciate the info on Youtube very much. I've never uploaded anything to youtube, but for my birthday July 1 my husband gave me a brand new cell phone which does do video. So you never know. My username on Youtube is Hilary Rodham but I'm going to change it as I disapprove of some of her ideas and some things she has done. I'll check out One Step Beyond on there. There is an episode I recall pretty well. It's about a man who lived or lives in Hawaii and he had a precognitive experience involving a tidal wave hitting Hawaii, but he got the facts with it (I didn't) and went to the state gov't in Honolulu and told them about his clairvoyant experience. Apparently he was well-known enough because they believed him and evacuated Honolulu at the time he said the tidal wave was to arrive. It arrived on time and the people of Honolulu were saved. That has to be verifiable somewhere, don't you think?

I own The Uninvited on VHS tape. Only way I could buy it on Amazon. May get the DVD now. Gail Russell was pure magic in The Uninvited, one of my absolute favorite movies. It was the first movie I ever saw that would admit there are spirits. Too bad her pathological shyness drove her to become an alcoholic which killed her. She could have been a major star. I have Sullivan's Travels on a DVR recording from TCM. Also one of my favorites. Under my old username on IMDB scotswedebrit I have a list of my favorite Sherlock Holmes movies starring Basil Rathbone & Nigel Bruce. I spent 12 hrs. straight making that list as I added my own descriptions of the films. There's a mistaken fact in one of them and I've got to change it. But get so busy with other things.
Anyway, Thanks again, Bernadette
