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OT: The Horror Thread

I figured I'd create a thread since I know there's a number of horror fans on this board. I'll be using the thread to post my thoughts on some movies I watch, but it would be nice to see what others have to say as well about whatever. Feel free to share movies you've seen, or talk about older movies as well. Or just hang out too. Whatever, all is welcomed. 

Onto the movies. I spent the week binge-watching Netflix's horror selection since there were a lot of newer straight-to-video movies to see on there, especially ones with 'bigger name' actresses starring which seems to be a thing these days.

The Veil (2016) - Twenty-five years after members of a religious cult committed mass suicide, the lone survivor returns to the scene of the tragedy with a documentary crew in tow.

It stars Jessica Alba and Thomas Jane, and Jane was by far the best performer in this cast. He always annoys me when he's the hero of a story, but he made for a good villain in this one. It starts out like a basic slasher, but it's much more frustrating than that. The story could've made for a great psychological thriller, but they screwed it up big time. 4/10Visions (2015) - After moving to a vineyard to start a new life with her husband, a pregnant woman begins to experience terrifying visions.

This one perhaps intrigued me the least of the line-up. Isla Fisher stars in what I expected to be yet another run-of-the-mill ghost story, but this one actually had an interesting twist and ended up getting mean-spirited mighty quick. Though you have to sit through a lot of clichéd material leading up to it, the finale made it worth it in the end. 7/10The Diabolical (2015) - A single mother, and her children, are awoken nightly by an intense presence. She asks her scientist boyfriend to destroy the violent spirit, that paranormal experts are too frightened to take on.

I've always liked Ali Larter, who stars in this ghost story with an exceptionally-good SciFi spin. The script wasn't the best and I was left with numerous questions once it all wrapped up, but those monsters were straight out of Silent Hill and I actually dug this flick. 6/10The Hollow (2015) - It's Halloween eve on Shelter Island, and the small town is preparing for a killer storm. But the dark clouds gathering over the island are bringing with them a curse one-hundred years in waiting. As the woods give birth to an ungodly and insatiable creature of fire, bones, and earth, three sisters must scramble to stay alive through the long dark night of the Hollow. For it's not something you can kill. It's only something you can try and survive.

I probably am going to be a bit too hard on this flick. When I started it, I was expecting a different movie called The Woods (2015) (alternatively titled The Hallow) which got decent reviews on The Horror Club. Instead, I watched this horrendous TV movie with terrible characters played by terrible actresses doing dumbass stuff. The only good quality of this film is that the monster was actually pretty well designed, but otherwise terrible film. 3/10Tiger House (2015) - Kelly sneaks into her boyfriend's house but tonight, she's not the only unwelcome visitor. As the situation spirals out of control, the suburban house becomes a terrifying arena for violence.

This one treads a fine line between thriller and horror. It's got a kickass heroine, very much in the same line as Erin from You're Next or Justine from Kirsty. The movie wasn't perfect though and seemed to drag in spots, but it was a good watch. 7/10Curve (2015) - A young woman becomes trapped in her car after a hitchhiker causes her to have an automobile accident.

I was pretty excited to see this one because Julianne Hough stars in it and I remember Teddy Sears from his soap days. Sadly, Julianne takes far too long to turn badass and Teddy wasn't nearly evil enough to really engage me at all. The story just really slows down to a boring halt in the middle and takes too long to go anywhere. Bottom line, don't pick up gorgeous hitchhikers on the side of the road... but wait everyone with half a brain should know that already. 5/10Hellions (2015) - A teenager must survive a Halloween night from Hell when malevolent trick-or-treaters come knocking at her door.

Robert Patrick (the T-1000 from T2) is in it as a sherriff, but he's underutilized. I really, really wanted to like this one. It has a lot of that Halloween charm to it and what's scarier than a pack of children in creepy costumes trying to kill you, or steal your baby.... or something...? In truth, this movie confused the living hell out of me and made no sense at all. 3/10That's it for now. I may post what I plan to watch tonight later. Anybody seen these ones, or anything else, good lately?

I think A_Supreme is #Dantastic ~ Alaina


Seed of Chucky.

Because you're pissing your pants.

..::JesseTheHero for IMDb's Favorite Player::..


Don't watch SEED OF CHUCKY but definitely watch~

CURSE OF CHUCKY. It was pretty damn awesome. It was more like the first couple movies in the franchise.

Also, Babadook and Oculus. But I think you've seen those?


I can vouch for Curse of Chucky and Babadook! Loved that Curse of Chucky brought the series back to its roots! Babadook was super creepy even though the kid was possibly the most annoying child in the history of cinema.

I think I watched Oculus but it was like I just put it on and it was white noise to me in the background while I did something else because I barely remember it. That's the one about the mirror right?

Like that Russian babe, Anesthesia


 yes it's the one about the mirror. And since you were getting jiggy with it you missed some good sh!t. You would like it cause it's one of those stories about a haunted thing (the mirror) that's been in a ton of old houses and a bunch of different people have used it. Like a checked out library book. Only it kills everyone lol.


I never got the hate for Seed of Chucky... Jennifer Tilly is always such a fun actress to watch (Liar Liar and Bound) are two of my favorite Tilly movies) and her role in 'Seed' was expanded since she got to parody herself quite a bit. It's just as fun as Bride of Chucky, imo.

Chucky got his slasher groove back in Curse of Chucky though... it was nice to see that one prioritizing horror over comedy after two decent comedies in the franchise. I like the Bride/Seed/Curse trilogy better than the Child's Play trilogy, honestly.

edit: I liked The Babadook but Oculus was kind of lame. I didn't dig it much at all and I found it overlong and boring with a rather clunky premise. The Babadook got a 7/10 and Oculus got a generous 5/10.

I think A_Supreme is #Dantastic ~ Alaina


Bride of Chucky


i saw The Witch recently

I loved it, it is really slow burn and really suspenseful and your not quite sure what exactly is happening, I loved that it was set in a really different time with the original language which can be hard to decipher sometimes when they talk fast.

and I don't want to give anything away but literally the creepiest scariest voice in cinema for me, it still gets me nervous thinking about it.


I love this! Have been looking for good horror movies I havent seen yet
