MovieChat Forums > AndyAce83

AndyAce83 (51)


Retro-futurism and people being besserwissers. Is it every really explained cylons vs humans? Hot Take: Not that bad Why the overly antichristian message in the final movie? Why do shows like this on one side get a lot of hate, but also high audience ratings Physical media, DVDs and Blu-Rays. Its gotten worse. So I cheated... the space jockey View all posts >


Was there a season 2? Did I watch season 2? The last I remember was they arrived at the planet, and it turned out NOT to be the right planet or something. That must have been the end of season 1 right? Or did they spend 2 seasons getting to the goal? Left wing now vs left wing then is completely different. The effects are great for their time and budget. Its about fantastic ideas, and fun, not best effects. Also its "real". We can all feel the difference between what is real and what is CG, so how about you complain about how Disney Marvel looks like early 2000 video games now instead. That is what I wonder about. How we are regressing back. Movies now look cheap and fake now. No, give me instead the effects of Space 1999 over new CG video game movies. Saw it as a part of a birthday celebration. It was okay. I didnt hate it, but I felt sorry for the others in the group who saw it as their first alien film. I think this is my post. There seems to be another guy with Nooneimportant nick but he was far to concerned about political issues compared to me. I know its just the forums that are gone. But hurricanehorton seem to have a profile on IMDB that has been exportet aswell. So I am wondering is my account Nooneimportant here as well? What is great is that is a really stupid movie played seriously. It isnt trying to hard to be funny. Why is this post here and not on IMDB? And why does it have a user name? I hade a user name on IMDB. Is it still here on moviechat? Its okay. Not to out there with violence and gore. Great teen movie. "Theres a lot of persecuted white man crying in that video and its comments ." You got any problem with white people? "Jus because a black man is on your screen doesent mean you its not for you , or you cant watch it , ot that the white man is being terrorised , unless you decide thats what you want it to mean ." Never said that. I love Blade. Great movie. Fallen (1998). Enjoyed that. Issue is not race. I have enjoyed movies with gay themes as well. Rocky Horror Picture Show. I have the soundtrack to that one. Its the obvious intention. Next thing you're having secret meetings out in the woods with broken cross flags , burning crosses and funny hats to decide how to combat this "message"" I better not or you will riot in the streets and kill people who defend their friends shop. View all replies >