MovieChat Forums > ChiefAlex

ChiefAlex (30)


So for those of you that have seen the movie So for those of you that have seen the film How did this movie get a G rating? Problems with Post How did they manage to do sequel of this movie? Which Movie was Better? No time to Die or Spectre? View all posts >


I mentioned this in another post ,but I think spending 168 million on a prequel was bad idea. Road Warrior and Thunderdome was made on shoestring budgets of 4 million and 10 million. I think movies are becoming was too expensive Gladiator 2 costing 310 million, Twisters costing 200 million and Joker 2 costing 200 million when the first one cost 55 million to make. Even Fury Road was too expensive costing 185 million and barely broke even earning 380 million worldwide. You talking to me or the other person? I don’t have any beef with the actress I haven’t really seen any of her movies. I’m just saying that there spending too much money on a lot of movies and that a lot of them are too expensive. For example Gladiator 2 costing 310 million and Joker 2 costing 200 million. Yeah 168 million is a lot of money like this movie isn't Barbie it's nowhere near as popular. In comparison Road Warrior and Thunder Dome cost 4 million and 10 million to make. Shoe string budgets compared to 168 million for Furiosa. They're spending way to much money on these movies 310 million for Gladiator 2 really? I not sure if Gladiator 2 will be good or bad ,but 310 million is a bit excessive. Spending 200 million on twister is also a lot in comparison another tornado film called Into the Storm which came out 10 years ago cost 50 million to make ,and of course there's the Joker 2 which also cost 200 million to make when the first film cost like 55 million to make. I could see maybe twisters doing well overseas ,but the other movies I'm not sure about. Interesting I first saw this movie when I was 10 with my older brother on television. I thought the same I thought it was kinda boring ,and too dark to see anything when the alien showed up on screen. I asked my brother why it was so dark ,and My brother said something among the lines of “that’s the idea you’re not supposed to see much just use your imagination!” He felt scary movies shouldn’t have to rely on a lot of blood and gore to be scary or just keep the blood to a minimum. In other words less is more. I however just wasn’t impressed with it ,and thought it was just boring. When I was a little older I was able to see the last 20-25 minutes of the sequel Aliens on television and I thought those 20 minutes that I saw was a lot more exciting than the entire first film. However I didn’t see the whole film so I don’t know if it was better or worse than the first movie. Plus I was only around 10 when I saw the first movie on television and it was years ago. I’m probably gonna get attacked by fans of this movie because this movie is considered to be one of greatest science fiction horror films of all time. I mean was only 10 at time and haven’t seen it since ,and I saw around the last twenty minutes of the sequel on television. I thought they were mercenaries disguised as Swat? I remember they were shooting at him in the elevator ,but I could be wrong though. I mean didn’t the original movie in 1968 have beautiful lady in that movie she look like a model or something no one complained about it. I think the remake in 2001 also had pretty lady in that one as well. So this isn’t really anything new is it? Although I will admit I thought her face was animated or something when I first saw the trailer like it was photoshopped or CGI lol. Her acting wasn’t bad though at least from what I saw from trailer. I’ll tell you a silly story I remember seeing this movie back in the theater when I was around 7 or 8 with my parents. I didn’t know what movie I was going to see. The whole time this movie started I thought I was watching a movie trailer because I didn’t know what movie I was gonna to watch. I remember seeing a bunch of shootouts and explosions ,and something about switching faces. I thought to myself “wow this is going to be one hell an action movie.” Next thing I remember was seeing Nicolas Cage’s Character trying to escape the prison being chased by a helicopter he jumps in the air in slow motion into the water. It was at that moment that realized I was watching the movie the whole time. I’ll admit I was blown away by action at that time especially with the incredible boat chase near the end of the film. When I watched it again when I was older I thought it was a little ridiculous and over the top at times ,but I still had a fun time watching it though. Okay thanks View all replies >