MovieChat Forums > Megan254

Megan254 (206)


Where did Ed go? *Spoilers* Times where you felt Edith was in the wrong Darlene's Wedding Season 8 *Spoilers* Certain moments in episodes that just crack you up :) Julie Bowen Nightmares The Alan Rickman Diaries Is this a remake? Question about Elinor *Spoilers* Aftermath *Spoilers* View all posts >


Yes, I did. I could not stand Brenda, and it was a hard scene to watch. The guys who killed Ricky The bullies who took Ricky's football in the beginning of the movie The school teacher Brenda Ricky's girlfriend Brandi's mom The coked out mother who let her kids roam the streets by themselves The racist cop All in no order, by the way. :) It drove me nuts, because I couldn't figure it out, either, but now, I'm wondering if Hi was trying to tell him that he pulled the pin off his grenade. It wasn't just to defend Gilligan, I like all the other Castaways too, I'm just saying there were times where he was blamed that weren't his fault. Should the Skipper be locked up for not securing the boat right in The Friendly Physician? Should the Professor be locked up for reading the stone tablets wrong in The Secret of Gilligan's Island? No, they all made mistakes, and Gilligan did, too, I was just naming the times where he gets blamed just because he's Gilligan. Heck, a lot of times, they would all be dead if it wasn't for Gilligan rescuing them. LOL, looks like it I don't think so, I think the only kids she had were Michael and Kate. Bump I love horror movies, but I do agree, it does get kind of tiring. No one in this movie was likable. I liked the movie, alright, but didn't care for the ending. Here's some movies that the final girl doesn't survive that I know of for certain. Don't read if you don't want to be spoiled. Wolf Creek (2005) Eden Lake (2008) Open Water (2003) The Descent: Part 2 (2009) The Blair Witch Project (1999) Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning (2006) Cabin in the Woods (2012) Drag Me to Hell (2009) The Last House on the Left (1972) Candyman (1992) The Descent (2005) Absentia (2011) Slender Man (2018) The Devil Inside (2011) Psycho (1960) Psycho II (1983) Psycho III (1986) The Haunting (1999) Cabin Fever (2002) Cabin Fever (2016) Blair Witch (2016) Psycho (1998) Plenty more Agreed! I was hoping they would make a third one. I'm surprised they haven't yet. I haven't read the book, but in the movie, I don't recall them saying what was causing the birds to attack, which I thought was the creepiest part! View all replies >