Porsche911's Replies

It’s a bore! I like the Bricklayer but hated this. A complete fail. Great post Not selling enough tickets https://www.instagram.com/p/C7pM8d8NhWm/?igsh=MTJveXd1dmlkbHEzZA== Work! Fucking work. Shipping and logistics, travel, management! I envy you brother! I fell for the scam -or was forced! Will he need to do hard time ? The US, Great Britain, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Finland, France, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Estonia have allowed Ukraine to strike targets inside the Russian Federation with their weapons. So the West wants war, be prepared 😢😖 It’s just part of the white hatred narrative. Pinning blacks against whites in an attempt to destabilize us. This 👆 With a liberal as a mother! Sorry, I’m disgusted by my own post here! He’s straight but did a lot gay for pay porn! I liked him the horror he did. https://the-numbers.com/movie/Furiosa-A-Mad-Max-Saga-(2024)#tab=box-office It made $10M opening weekend! That is insanely impressive and a huge chunk of cash! I hated the trailer but with an opening like that this is already in profit ie a big hit financially. Very cool! I can imagine jail is a like an earth cave or some shit, like a grotto! Like Arkansas? Never heard of it before! Norwayland will soon be targeted by Israel for complete destruction! All those countries are very poor and underdeveloped compared to Israel and America and will have little impact on the killing of children for profit. What Israel wants, Israel get and right now they want to murder all goyims ! One is that there has been a mortality (or death) rate of about 50% in the almost 900 people around the world who have been infected with bird flu between 2003 and 2024. Second is that Covid had only 1% MR This can turn political at a drop of a hat. Admiral Levine! He’s a joke. A mouthpiece for others.