MovieChat Forums > artisan278

artisan278 (109)


I was shocked to see this on YouTube Betty Ford segments were the best Electric Dreams View all posts >


For those who weren't around in 1955, she had all the charisma and was the favourite mouseketeer of everyone. To see her was to love her immediately. Disney hand picked her after seeing her in a ballet recital. She was the last one chosen for the show. She sang once on the show and fans demanded a record so Walt got her a recording contract even though she was not a singer. She put out several albums and singles and worked with Paul Anka and dated him as well. Yes, her career kind of fizzled and then the MS but she was mad talented and adorable. There are some good retrospectives and interviews on youtube. Before this, I was the only person on the earth who remembered when Pop tarts were invented, and that they were unfrosted. I was surprised he remembered as he is younger than me. I was surprised he wrote a comedy about it. He left stuff out. There was a rival called Toast em Pop ups. But it is funny and totally watchable. Those who hate it, no doubt they were not born when Pop tarts were invented, and probably adore that they are now candy with the frosting and sprinkles. In the beginning they were meant to be buttered like toast for breakfast. He doesn't really go into this and I wish he had. It is fun because of the cameo roles including Puddy, and Kenneth from 30 Rock, and many others. And Seinfeld is still so great at reactions. Some of the comedy may offend boomers ... but I guess enough years have officially passed to mock President Kennedy? That was a little iffy as Pop tarts came a few years after him, yet they kind of lumped in early 60s things with mid sixties things. If you can take that in stride, it's enjoyable. There are many movies that fail to get the period hair and clothes right. Even now. They simply cannot control themselves because they weren't born during whatever era it was, and they have to add just a bit of the current style! Or they just can't be bothered to look at enough magazine photos of the hair and clothing of the era. No. I couldn't stand her either. Yes I remember What I Want To Be, and I remember Darlene in her stewardess uniform. This of course shows you that I have to be over 75 years old. Which I assume you are. Disneyland, and the show, started when I was 6. Maybe it will show up on youtube. Yesterday I saw the serial "Annette" is on there. I lived on both east and west coasts, in both US and Canada. My entire life the phrase was "standing in line." All of a sudden sometime in the last few years it became "standing on line." Both coasts, both countries. It remains a mystery to me how phrases change for no apparent reason. This isn't the only one. For me it's a slippery slope to complete destruction of the English language....we will be left with new slang every year made up by kids and more and more abbreviations. I'm kind of surprised to even see this discussion. It was standard to lip sync in 1960s tv shows. It was an exception if it was sung live. Pop singers were put on shows because they had a hit single. It was all business. No That was the actual movie poster at the time. It was one of the "edgy" early sixties things. Considering he died of aids...what does this even mean? View all replies >