MovieChat Forums > riraho > Replies

riraho's Replies

He is seen at the start of the film. He appears to be Spanish or Latino. hey man, i am so sorry that being a lucid adult didn't work out for you. Ts and Ps. I thought it was really funny. I don't know what critics want movies to be. oh good, as long as it's not woke, i wouldnt want to swoon in the aisle before i could reach the exit Hannon I think has said that Amir was from Iran(?) and thought the tropes he filled this movie with were what typical American action flicks were all about...he just did it on a shoe string budget and with no real understanding of how to run a movie production. The nurse scene randomly, inexplicably ended up in my IG reels feed one day and I then knew what I was watching that night. do you want "hints" or real evidence?? The son said he found aspirin in his dad's vomit prior and he told the story about the conversation his father had with him that sounded like he was trying to prepare his son for his absence. The suicide hints. The problem with any of the conspiracy theories is that they are wholly, totally illogical. Why go to the trouble of shooting him and then creating SO MUCH clean up afterwards? Shoot JFK and then if anyone took video, find it and alter it? Find any witnesses and kill them? Why not just shoot him from behind with 1 guy and make that the conspiracy?? There is never any real evidence it was someone other than Oswald. they did that tho LOL But seriously folks, that line is a product of 1950s thought that ends up being refuted by Goldie's success story. Or they just wanted to add another easter egg that gets paid off later in the movie for those paying attention. Either way. The Killer is a bad assassin. He has at least THREE major fuck ups throughout the movie. he is kind of a dumb assassin. Laura is drunk, trying to get in touch with Frank....Frank is now drinking coffee, and won't give in to temptation. It shows he has changed his ways. imdb trivia has a listing that says that newman said it was in fact coffee. IDK to me Galvin is more disappointed that his "star" witness turns out to be a grey haired old man, who is also not even an expert in the field in question. Nothing is expressly identified, that I can remember, that his disappointment is due to him being black. The defense, on the other hand, expressly makes specific racial comments about him...because they are morally bankrupt. "in a way, I'm dead already" -- he finds no joy in his life as it is at the start of the movie. "in a year I'll be dead" -- narrator foreshadowing what will happen to him at the end of the movie. The papers are a MacGuffin to advance the plot.