MovieChat Forums > Mortificator

Mortificator (20)


Relatively recent movie with oral scene Let's list the ways Corey is better than Michael View all posts >


It goes to show you never can tell. It's the concussions talking, Tony. They're synonyms. Lol, if comic readers know anything it's that characters almost never stay dead. There is zero chance of a major marketable HERO dying and staying dead. Even more asinine, he's not even dead! Oh, things are going bad and the world's against him? Every book lead goes through arcs like that. The dude writing the article is either a moron or (more likely) just putting out low-effort clickbait. The Fantastic Four were also a five-person family after little Franklin was born. A child whose power is greater than all the older members... "Coincidental," lol It's left ambiguous exactly how he staged his escape. I lean toward him not killing anyone there, based on the daytime argument between Loomis and the facility suit. If Michael had slaughtered guards I think Loomis would have hammered on that proving how much a danger he is. We don't see any cop or media presence either. But it's not definite. US income tax didn't exist before the 20th century. I have to inform you that human society has existed for somewhat longer. Nations with a sovereign currency do not put tax dollars in their purse. It's a mechanism for currency destruction that has nothing to do with the securement of funds. Not that pigs should be funded in the first place. And lol at the idea that inequality was fixed before Reagan came along. As schlocky as Friday is, the earliest installments at least gave its antagonists understandable human motives. Saying it was all really Mr. Magic McBadthing is something a six-year-old would come up with. It's amazing to me that anyone could hear Loomis' voice, dripping with sarcasm and mockery, and think he's offering a serious explanation. I expect that when someone says "when pigs fly!" y'all start looking at the sky for aerial swine. Well yeah, their presence is a clear sign of a security breach, which is why Loomis reacted with alarm. View all replies >