Egosomnia's Replies

<i>"Joseph R Biden is a wise old man with tons of life experience and charisma who has shepherded the Fed gov’t in uncanny ways. His knowledge from his time in Congress as well has been extremely beneficial. His personal relationship with world leaders of other countries has done wonders for our diplomatic status."</i> <b>HAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Whoo, (wipes eyes), Thanks, I needed that..</B> He want's to, doe's he? I's he seriou's or not? Hi's past movie's have all been winner's, but hes a bit old now. I mean, hes 76, or i's it 77? '''''''''''''''''''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss Because he was a primitive man, you assume he lived his whole life outdoors? Why do you think we call them <b>cave</b>men? He would have spent most of his life in a small enclosed area, only going outside to hunt. The artificial environment they made for him would have seemed perfectly natural, even pleasant. Still looks a bit Downey in that. Maybe that's why she came to our notice. Maybe her parents tried to help her by encouraging her to go out in public more, and talk about what she likes. But it backfired because she doesn't really know what she likes. Only what she doesn't like. Poor kid. Don't be embarrassed for me, chum. Go and read all your posts in this thread and be embarrassed for yourself... Also, when you get time from your panicky fearful ranting on social media about how terrified you are of germs, go and actually read that article I linked to. You didn't read it, did you. Be honest, you didn't. You know it and I know it. It's in the dialogue. In answer to Goldfinger's dismissal of all Bond's cautions, Bond asks, "Can you afford to take that chance?" To a money-obsessed character like Gold finger, the word "afford" struck a note. Rockaway, a virus isn't a "living organism". Check it out. Do you want a President with flaws, or a President who will soon not even be aware that he's the President? In any case, it doesn't matter to me. It's you guys who have to choose. Good luck with that. And that's why you dislike him? Because you think he's a murderer? That's not why you dislike him, Keelai, and you know it. One doesn't "like" lesser evils, Keelai. One chooses them because they're the lesser. I'm sure that you, when faced with a choice between two unpleasant things, would select the less unpleasant. <i>"I'm not sure why you prefer an inept sociopath like Trump for president.</i> Only because he seems to me to be the lesser evil, Keelai. In any case, I don't have to make that choice, thankfully. I'm not supporting Donald Trump, Keelai. All I'm doing is asking why some Americans support Joe Biden. I don't understand it. Out of the two, it seems to me that Joe Biden is the more risky choice for your country, all things considered. Your list of Donald Trump's shortcomings seems to be mostly speculation and interpretation prompted by his conservative politics, and probably your personal dislike of the man. On the other hand, Joe Biden's flaws are obvious and unmistakable, being due to his advanced age and deteriorated physical constitution. Tell me, do you not dislike Joe Biden's habit of over-familiarity with women? I would have thought that that behaviour would be the kind of thing that would provoke intense dislike in most American people. I see youtubes of examples of it and I'm frankly astonished. In my country, that sort of thing would be frowned upon, even by people who otherwise agree with the man's politics. You Americans are very curious people. Yes, Trump is overweight obviously, and he could very well be due for a coronary or a stroke. But Biden seems to have already had some kind of cerebral accident. If that's the case, I sympathise, as I've seen similar symptoms in elderly patients, and they generally do not improve. I'm not a doctor, but have had experience with public patients. Joe Biden's speech patterns and behaviour do seem to indicate at least a mild stroke. And it's possible that he'll recover, but it's definitely not certain. What is more likely is that his next stroke will be terminal. As a candidate for such an important political office, he's being unrealistic. Really, he shouldn't be contesting the position at all, in his condition. He must know his situation, and his health prognosis. I think it's a bit willful and foolish of him to persist. Donald Trump doesn't seem to be bothered by his health status, although he probably should be. It's not unlikely that he'll suffer some kind of cerebrovascular or cardiovascular incident as well, some time soon. But within twelve months Americans have to choose. Personally, I'd go with Donald Trump, if only to avoid the embarrassment that Joe Biden must be causing you people at the moment. As for the people who accompany the winner, that's always the case. We vote people into office, even when we don't especially like their off-siders. That's happened in my country often. I'm not American, so it doesn't really matter to me. But I just have to ask, Are you pleased that Joe Biden might remain America's President for four more years? I mean, Donald Trump has his faults, obviously, but Joe Biden seems to be conspicuously senile. Senility is a dangerous state to be in, particularly for someone in politics. I'd just like an American to explain to me why the American voter would want him to remain in office. Anyone? You're quite right, Moviechatterer. But good luck trying to convince modern audiences. The only reason the term "Plot Hole" has come to mean anything other than an actual hole in the plot, ie, <b>A Missing Piece In The Story</b>, is that modern audiences are mostly composed of the young, whose knowledge of grammar is non-existent. Also, for many of them, it's easier to type "plot hole" than it is to type "inconsistency", because they would have to look up the spelling of "inconsistency"... The problem, RM, is that there are people who can blithely shrug off that bullshit in their society, as if it's not a problem... Yes, I've read it. Many years ago, but I remember that first sentence. It's a short story, part of a collection of Daphne Du Maurier's work, released in 1952, and reissued in 1963. Never mind the ending of the film. read Daphne Du Maurier's story and see the first sentence: "On December third, the wind changed overnight and it was winter." Excellent opening line! Well said, Darren. "Notice how quiet everything is/under Biden. Hahaha! Keelai, I'd say that's because everyone in your country is waiting with hushed expectation, waiting to see what crazy thing your Mr Biden will say next!