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Seperatrix (1095)


Donnie Darko and Blue Velvet Blue Velvet 4k The Criterion Collection My take The Ladder Comparisons to Angel Heart Coordinates Rita Robert Blake RIP Mike and Bobby Al Strobel View all posts >


Yes. One does wonder. Blue Velvet revitalized Dennis Hopper's career and Mulholland Drive launched Naomi Watts career (unless one also considers it revitalized after the dormancy that followed Tank Girl). "God give man the possibility to choose." Prove it. In fact, prove god exists at all. Or are you seriously using Greek philosophy to prove god exists? "Your choices in this life will determine your fate after this life" Prove it. I get it. You read a Nietzsche book and now consider it Gospel. But you have to offer substantial evidence the bigger the claim. And you blurt out statements as if they were fact, without offering anything as proof. The arguments against Intelligent Design are out there if you really cared to look. Which you obviously don't. You prefer to whinge and whine about atheists. Out of fear no doubt that we may be right. That's too high a bar. I tire of GOAT arguments. There are people who excel above other professionals in any category (film, music, sports, etc.) and should be grouped accordingly as "the best of the best" and that's as far as I'll take it. I would agree that Hopkins performance is one of the all-time greats. That should suffice. I thought the most amusing moment is late in the film when the girl hit the floor in prayer and as she looked up the camera cut to a shot of the ceiling. 1) A New Hope 1) Empire Strikes Back 3) Return of the Jedi 3) Revenge of the Sith 5) Attack of the Clones 5) Phantom Menace 7) Rogue One A tie for first and a tie for 3rd and probably a tie for 5th. But, the order remains. Rogue One can stay where it is. And yes, the other SW's films don't exist (even though I just mentioned them). Yeah, I think so too. That's why it's only "slightly" odd to me. But I guess it depends on how the scene strikes me each time I watch the film, what mood I'm in, energy level, etc. Because if you're Jake and get slapped, then grabbed by the hair and arms and dragged to the bathroom and hear along the way things like "Get him in the bathtub . . Gotta F this vato up . . . It's gonna be loud - close the door (all while with a gun pointed at you)" I don't know if you can wait for a better opportunity to plead your case. Whether you think it will do any good or not. Set aside the luck of the girl being truthful. The luck actually began when one of the characters says "wait -- let me get his wallet." It was only then that the girl's wallet was found, etc. If you're Jake, are you really waiting for someone to ask for your wallet before thinking of your little girl? All the same, I agree, someone in his position would rightfully assume he was a goner. So why go out begging? My original point is that he DID start begging. And if he was going to start begging. Why wait until he was in the tub? The whole scene was intense and captivating though. I'll give it that. Speaking of saying things . . . I found it slightly odd that Jake didn't say anything until after they found the girl's wallet on his person. It was only then he started pleading and pointing out that he had a child, etc. Didn't it occur to him what they planned to do when they dragged him to, then put him in, the tub? He delegates responsibility like any other CEO. I understand Alonzo's motivation perfectly. But the scene would have made more sense if Alonzo just straight up shot Roger, THEN told Hoyt he was going to get credit for it, get the promotion, etc. Hoyt would have balked at the notion of course and the things would have proceeded as we're shown. It's just . . well, you understand my objection by now. Maybe you're right, maybe Alonzo thought it was worth a try. It's just hard for me imagine even bothering with the effort. Time was a factor and worth considering also, officers and paramedics moments away and all. View all replies >