MovieChat Forums > doubleout

doubleout (20)


3 "new" episodes have been made available on Youtube the ending was fine Is there any chance the missing episodes of Dragnet will ever be seen again? a lot better than I expected Alternate ending for Spain? How did they find Castle at the restaurant and later at his apartment? "You're on the fast track to Loserville, USA--just like him." Who is "him"? Did Troy take the discarded plane tickets and trade them in? Credits said something about being based on actual events? Were there supernatural elements in all of the movies? View all posts >


I made a post about this at and will mention it here also. 3 "new" episodes have been posted on a Youtube on a channel called Moviecraft Inc. I am looking forward to watching these and am hopeful that maybe more episodes will pop up in the future. they might not have asked for any i.d., she didn't go through the normal hiring process--she was hired directly by Rose. and a lot of employers don't ask for a driver's license anyway. I don't know how any interaction would have gone, but I'm guessing it would have been accompanied by terrible nu metal music. There were quite a few irritating eps in the later seasons, but the one that came to mind immediately was the one where Frasier is volunteering for a habitat for humanity type charity. His obsession with that house was nonsensical, repetitive and unfunny. One more I thought of is when Niles liked Poppy and thought Frasier did also. The ones with misunderstandings like that can be funny, but they were just so unbelievably stupid in that one I couldn't enjoy it. Good summary. Beginning was promising and there were a few other good scenes, but most of the movie was either boring or over-the-top. Got ridiculous towards the end, and the ending tried to be profound but fell flat, at least IMO. It was a note telling Troy how to state/use his 5th amendment rights. He and the other suspects also had those notes when testifying before the grand jury earlier in the movie. This was from several years ago, but I'll leave this reply in case anyone is curious. Sony made quality stuff Old thread, but I'm glad someone else thought the plot was hard to follow. The whole thing is a mess, although probably intentionally and intended as a joke as the second poster noted. I admit I could have paid closer attention, though. I've never seen Heat, so I didn't think of any connections there, but it did cross my mind that Malone could have been a great series. Good character who could have worked in a lot of settings and even could have continued battling Delaney's organization since he said there were branches all over the country. Malone had unfinished business with the government as well. Your post is from a while ago, but I just saw the movie and can say it is pretty good. There are several excellent scenes including the opening bank robbery and getaway. Bronson is an effective villain, easy to hate. Good background characters, good atmosphere, solid movie. View all replies >