MovieChat Forums > 102000

102000 (6146)


A sad day for the US Has anyone here bought a new laptop recently? Who wears an Apple Watch? Have you ever taken a hot air balloon ride? Opioid induced hallucinations The Continental So I broke down and got Amazon Prime Video Disney Sucks BIG Time Covid finally got me Woman fired from a Lowe's in Georgia View all posts >


Well, we will see. I'm not sure what will happen if he's elected. I think it will be a shit show either way. Let me start by saying, I'm a Republican and I twice voted for Trump, but there isn't any way I can vote for him again and I think a majority of Republicans feel the same way. I'm so disappointed that my party can't get it's shit together and as for the Dems, I guess they feel there isn't any need to have anyone else run. It will be terrible for the country no matter who wins - assuming it is Trump/Biden. I remember that. I live in the area of totality so I got to see the corona live for the first time. The moment the moon completely covered the sun and the corona just seemed to pop WAS truly awesome, (and I rarely use that word.) Absolutely yes - I love being outside and having meals and parties on my patio - I have an outside fan that keeps most of the bugs away. I like to eat outside at restaurants also. In general, summer TV pretty much sucks. Looks like the only upcoming show that I'm interested in is House of the Dragon, which I believe starts next month. Way over - I'm 73. I like both characters - looking forward to the new show. It's nice to know from the BBT, that Georgie becomes successful and rich. I will miss this show, but I always liked Georgie so looking forward to the new one. Astrophysicist for NASA View all replies >