
Ed (523)


What a film! Deserved Best Song Is the show fun? How does it compare…. Alignments? I like it! Gorgeous! Amazing Thoughts Miscast View all posts >


Yes, I read that too. It’s good as well and endorsed by Liu Cixin, too. Netflix series is not out yet, but I saw just a bit of the Chinese series. I only saw 2 episodes and quit. Chinese SFX are too cheesy, and I didn’t care for the editing style, either. I love the ‘51 MGM Showboat. The gorgeous colors, the spectacular and funny dancing, those great American songbook tunes, and the singing, of course! I really liked Ava Gardner in this, her acting was quite moving, although I assume the singing was dubbed. The character was poorly written, overpowered, heartless, and portrayed by an uncharismatic actress. She nearly ruins the film, which is otherwise a rather good looking film. If she had been portayed by a really gorgeous actress who couod really, uh, ACT, then this film could have done better. I would have liked Lea Seydoux in the role. Or if we had a time machine, a young Jennifer Connelly. The only scene which was heartful was at the end. i won’t spoil it but it was a simple scene with zero special effects and yet one of the best in the film. I turned all the lights off. You need a dark room to watch this. It’s slow but atmospheric and really transports the viewer back in time. I could have done without the modten day prelude but I understand its role in the narrative. I’ve seen Meek’s Creek as well and see a trend in the director’s style… Great film, one of the better pixar films IMO. Yes, the start is a bit rough with the farm and generic family dynamics, but once Arlo and Spot are alone, the film shifts into high gear, and all the warmth and heart we love in Pixar films come forth. Animation is top notch, one you get used to the cartoony charcter design. Dekalog is amazing. Perfect ten all the away. I also loved Double Life of Veronique and Three Colors Trilogy, but those are 90’s…. I agree. I’ve watched four episodes of Andor so far, and it’s not just great Star Wars, it’s great, period. Fantastic political intrigue, thriller, espionage, action, etc. and the characters are very compelling. The best of the SW shows by far. Yup. Daniel Craig will be back. He’ll find a magical bomb-proof frig in the last seconds and hide inside. ;) No need to recast! Remains me of Decalogue. I agree, an outstanding TV miniseries! Just watched 3rd episode. Three to go. If you haven’t already started, don’t bother. This show is lame. Lots of dull filler with people standing or sitting around and talking / making quips at each other. Pacing is terrible. No tension at all. I was hoping for something like 24, but this is not even close. MCU is so sad now. I haven’t even bothered to watch Black Panther 2, Thor Love Thunder, or Antman 3. View all replies >