MovieChat Forums > CreosoteXmp37

CreosoteXmp37 (291)


Filming Locations Confused about one point ( existing mortgage of seller ) View all posts >


It was and probably still is a deliberately nebulous term so as to give high-handed parents maximum use of it, and in so doing, define it as broadly or narrowly as they please. :) ( Groans ) But I'll give you a B+ for creativity. The mother ( Marty's ) was too much for Hollywood. What a manipulative schemer. She pesters/nags him incessantly about getting married, push push pushes him to get himself out there. Then her son meets a nice woman and they really hit it off, so what does she do? The reality of "losing" Marty ( rather than "gaining" a daughter ) freaks her out and she's out to sabotage the budding relationship. Pulling manufactured excuse after excuse out of her benighted head ( as well as lifting the nonsense one form her sister, word for word ). College girl. She's not Italian. She's not from the neighborhood. If it weren't any of those, she'd pull others out of her ass. Alright then, scratch the Ochmoneks. ( of course, a jury may told to disregard what it's already heard, but they can't unhear it. ) :) I see...I guess, though I just can't wrap my mind around players trying <i>less</i> hard to win just because it's a non-playoff game. Gladys Kravitz ( Bewitched ) The Ochmoneks, particularly the wife ( Alf ) I don't really understand that. Never could. It reminds me of the people who say they don't like football but they will watch the superbowl, or in the case of baseball, the world series. Seems to be more of a case of jumping on the hype bandwagon. I mean, is the actual gameplay of a sport that radically different during a playoff game as compared to the games leading up to it? Yes, agreed. Yes. I learned how at about age 10 and can manage quite well with them. Was taught to me by an Irish woman! in the early 2000s. There were some conspiracy theorists who claimed there was going to be a merging of all North American countries. My guess is they cooked this up not long after the formation of the EU. View all replies >