EleazarHisSon's Replies

Men and boys get just as shamed and rejected for being fat. They're about equidistant. Basal Eurasian pushes Western non-Africans slightly closer to Sub-Saharan Africans. West Eurasians (aka Caucasians) share a more recent common ancestry with East Eurasians going back 50,000 years, while they share a common ancestry with Sub-Saharans going back 100,000 years. Both West and East Eurasians, for example, have Neanderthal admixture, unlike Sub-Saharans. These days, though, it all depends on the location due to admixture. Middle Eastern and North African groups are closer to Sub-Saharans, while Central Asians are closer to East Asians. My impression is that millennials and Gen Z aren't into watching older movies much, though it might be more true of the latter. Millennials might be snowflakes, but they aren't even half the snowflakes that Gen Z are. Yeah, I think that's valid. Sheldon said in a 2012 episode that his laptop he tried to sell to a drycleaner had 16GB RAM and was two years old. I don't think there's any chance that an Apple laptop from 2010 would have had 16GB RAM. So he does obviously care a lot about the specs in his computer. Although regarding the last point, Sheldon did have a gaming laptop (an Alienware), but he and the gang overall seemed to be more into console than PC gaming. Sheldon played that PC game he got Penny addicted to and a Nintendo 64 emulator, but other than that, they were seemingly console peasants. 😜 Sure, The Big Bang Theory has nostalgic references too. It's just that Young Sheldon has a lot more of them. But fair enough, I didn't have a point on that. Well, TBBT has a laugh track, while Young Sheldon doesn't, which at least my boomer father always hated. So maybe I'm just colored by that and assume that older people are more likely to be turned off by shows that do. Also, I'm not sure if it's right to compare the two shows just because one is the parent show on the other. TBBT is a light-hearted comedy, while Young Sheldon is much more dramatic. Well, Sheldon stated that he gave his meemaw an iPhone in S09E14 to track her, which would imply that he had one himself to use the Find My iPhone and or else why would he not just give her an Android? Then when he met Steve Wozniak, he said that one of his proudest possessions was a vintage 1977 Apple II. Although the criticized the file system limitations of Apple DOS 3.3... I used the wrong wording there. It was intended for general audiences when it aired. What I meant to say was that I think in terms of nostalgic value and if somebody was to watch it now for the first time, millennials would have the most affection for it as it aired when they were of the characters age. But hey, I loved Seinfeld and watched it long after it aired. https://youtube.com/watch?v=XkwQ6EjLdMQ Yeah, it is possible to be normal weight according to BMI and still have an excess of body fat. Studies showed that people with a normal BMI and excess abdominal body fat were still at an increased risk of heart disease. <blockquote>They found that normal-weight people with a "spare tire" (known as central or abdominal obesity) had a higher risk of dying of heart disease or any other cause compared with people without central obesity, regardless of whether they were normal weight, overweight, or obese. The results, published in the Dec. 15, 2015, Annals of Internal Medicine, suggest that people with central obesity—even if they're not overweight—may benefit from lifestyle changes to prevent heart disease, such as exercise and eating a healthy, plant-based diet.</blockquote> https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/research-were-watching-belly-fat-boosts-risk-of-dying-of-heart-disease Tell that to that to those who say it. I'm not Karen Armstrong. They keep telling me that Christianity is the most violent religion on earth, with the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, etc. Try to criticize Islam and it's bound to come up. 😩🤮 Well, I do regret answering and participating in this discussion. I'm now dumber than I was before. No, I'm not. Is there a rule that says other people can't answer a question on this public forum? Whatever. The next time I'll see you post one, I'll make sure I won't answer. You don't care, and yet you asked the question. I didn't realise it was supposed to be rhetorical... Well, the director Tony Kaye is Jewish but I'm not sure that it was intended by him to be that liberal as he originally wanted Derek to shave his head and go back to being a skinhead. Although Norton refused to make that ending. New Line edited movie to turn out to be very different from how Kaye envisioned it. He even demanded his name to be removed from it, but he was refused. Still, this movie does have some sharp arguments in favour of white nationalism, to the extent that it's actually held in a bit of a high regard in white nationalist and neo-Nazi circles. If it was supposed to have a liberal bias, one would think that they should have made Derek more dim-witted like his friend Seth and someone who Murray could easily defeat in a battle of wits. Does it make more sense when blacks convert to Islam and change their name to Muhammad (Muhammad Ali said he changed his name because Clay was a white man's name) when Muhammad was a slave owner and the Arabs, Turks and Persians had millions of black slaves? Middle Easterners are Caucasoid aka white. They are generally darker than Northern Europeans, sure, and there is discrimination against them in the West but that doesn't make them a different race. That's simply interracial contempt as one can dislike a people even if they look similar and are nearly related to you. Many black people in Africa hold contempt towards other black African tribes. It's true that other Western countries are getting fatter, but they still have a way to go before they have caught up to Americans. 51% of Sweden's population are either obese or overweight. In the US, it's over 70%. https://www.folkhalsomyndigheten.se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/living-conditions-and-lifestyle/obesity/ https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/health-statistics/overweight-obesity Although obesity rates can vary widely depending on where in the US. The thinnest state of Colorado is 25% obese compared to 15% in Sweden. https://www.axios.com/local/denver/2021/09/20/colorados-obesity-rates-lowest-nationwide This study found that there was a positive correlation between obesity and living in the US for over 10 years: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6286283/ Maybe wishful thinking as he was the least likeable character. 🙏 For them at least. I myself am inclined to think so. Save for married Howard, maybe. Does checking it out on IMDb make me bicurious?