milesdyson101's Replies

Hahaha take the L and move on smootho Long live Biden! Back off Nazi! Hitler breathed air, you breathe air... oh no, you're a nazi!!!! HAHAHAHA Long live the president! Meaning.... it was used enough to even be put on coins! HAHAHAHA Long live Leodicaprio the smoothbrain! And long live the president! Racial supremacy is racial supremacy, why do you do defend it? Long live the president! The phrase was being used in the US before the Nazi's even existed!!! HAHAHA!!! Long live american historical usage! Christ you're a moron hahaha Long live the Queen! OH NO! They are using NAZI SLOGANS in the mainstream media about the Queen!!! Fascists are everywhere!! Long live the democrats! They make garbage and pretend everyone who doesn't like it is sexist and racist. Every show/movie/game/comic is all about identity politics now, you can't escape it. The cost of wokeness. This is just one example, there are many more. Why are you defending racial supremacy? Do you defend Asian supremacists too? God I admire you Interesting that you chose a 2012 film from Chile, that role would be quite breath taking! Good choice! She knows it's bullshit but is using it as leverage as it will pull on the heart strings of the social justice woke-tards, and if anyone calls her on her bullshit she can just call them sexist. Same playbook as the race baiters in most of non-white Hollywood. Gotta keep pushing that victim narrative to cash in on the white guilt Now that you mention it, that is a common trope