jriley555's Replies

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbEYLAU74UI c'mon man OF COURSE 'sissy' characters were coded as gay. It was an outside inside joke. Were some people naive ? Sure - but not most. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Whyks7Gp9E The surprising thing to me about Portuguese, given its close relation to Spanish, is how -different- it sounds. Or how differently they sound relative to one another, more properly. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_iC0MyIykM 1. Seinfeld https://youtu.be/ORI9yjnzqbI?si=FsUBD8A-ALweVO40 2. Star Trek: First Contact (1996) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1VKPUey94M 3. Billy Madison (1995) https://youtu.be/8GCu3mwzivE?si=cBamIURLjzguwa10 4. Bridget Jones's Diary (2001) https://youtu.be/UDjPYomxHqY?t=160 5. Monty Python's Flying Circus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7j6Qbqga8J0 6. The Godfather Part II (1974) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k04Z0hZetU&t=138s 7. The Godfather Part I (1972) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VED5GNL6Ahg I require a large external monitor, wireless keyboard and mouse, nice cheap external logitech speakers. Its also nice to have a switcher so you can drive the monitor/s from either your home or work computer. He's a gross-out guy. That seems to be his entire schtik. A sweaty ugly disgusting pasty foul-mouthed goober. His admitted appeal totally escapes me. Yeah, I find that nothing but annoying. Different strokes... I don't imagine self-examination is a large part of Tina's intellectual repertoire. Monumentally bad human behavior is always fascinating. Especially when they're upper or upper middle class. When proles slaughter each other, its somehow less surprising/compelling. I'll still watch, though. Can't wait for this Idaho Kohlberger or whatever case to pop off. He seems to have aspired to being a celebrated thrill killer from way back. It wouldn't surprise me at all that the audience for this trends female. Females swim in a sea of physical vulnerability, so the irl threat probably is an even bigger trigger when it comes to exposing these monsters. Yeah, pretty much. Do you resent blacks playing Beethoven/Mahler/Hayden in symphonies ? Any idea that restricts basically anything to a 'race' is, pretty much by definition, racist. But you're probably just a troll trolling, anyway... ;) In that tradition, but not really in Rodney's class - Henny was more a borscht belt cornball one-liner comedian. But cute, in his own way. lol. Henny was great. old joke : I'm not an alcoholic, I just like to drink all the time. I really need to perc myself up, and be more stimulating. I just like to do drugs all the time. Shane Gillis is an annoying goofball masquerading as a comedian. 6 Never cared for her. Kind of a snot. That's her character in film, likely in life. jmho. the real deal. right out of the oranges. It not her fault everyone's making such a big hoopla over her. I don't follow WNBA, but I'm guessing she's a great kid.