ayushchan's Replies

The movie impresses with its film making and characters, though it is an old school script. I too loved the screenplay and intensity. In the movie, Donnie Wilson was a friend of Ray Merrimen and told lie to Nick during the interrogation. He plays from both the parties, keeps giving little information to Nick and Ray just to make his way at the end. In the end, he made himself caught and told about Ray's location. Shocking, the names are generally in favorite lists. For me its on-screen Direction. Films are meant to showcase something to the viewers, it can be a simple walking shot that have an affect on the audience. The film was presented really effectively; I love the characters and how they connect with the viewers. Also, there are so many memories of mine joint with the film. I have been also waiting for Venom, Robin hood and Isle of Dogs. Some more films are: Halloween The Meg Tough As They Come