blue1981's Replies

None. He would serve his four years and then hopefully retire in Florida peacefully without the threat of Deep State Prosecution. I think I heard him shit. Did he really shit his pants at the D-day Remembrance Ceremony? Its not the first time either as it was rumored to have happened in front of the Pope as well. All of the notable events from Covid to the Race Riots from the Summer of Love were done on purpose to effect the election. I don't think its a conspiracy to say that now. I'll always believe Geek Culture's Radical Feminism problem came from their desire to seek totalitarian dominance of a male space and they think it's the easiest to conquer. They don't care about Comic Books, Video Games, or Star Wars. No one stepped up to properly gatekeep and we are paying the price for it. The more time that has past the fewer the veterans that remain. I hope it happens immediately if Trump is reelected as the Democrats and FBI have hunted these people with the sole purpose of destroying their lives. All for the crime for dissenting against a cruel dictatorship. If she ever gets married and has kids she'll still be popular as a musician but it'll be with an older female demographic. She won't have the Fandom among teens or younger when she gets into her 40s and beyond. Screenrant usually does Clickbait stories but I'd argue all of action sequences Spielberg did Bay would have done them too. Also Spielberg's movie is very Patriotic. The Great Replacement isn't a problem facing the United States. Best of luck to Farage. Yes I hope the non violent Jan 6th protestors are pardoned by Trump. i wonder where do we go from here. If you eliminate the real fans you'll be pandering to an audience that doesn't exist and there'll be no fans left. These skirts really do hate anything with a penis. If we see nuclear war or WW3 it'll be the fault of people like you. The director Fede Alverez made both the Evil Dead remake and Don't Breathe. Both movies are in my movie collection and I liked the trailer so I'll be watching this new movie. I've loved this movie since the days of VHS. It's so funny and Keith David in it is the best part. Men create and women destroy. They just want to watch the world burn. Who cares. Biden giving the go ahead for Ukraine to attack Russia on their soil with US weapons is frightening as he's trying to provoke WW3. 🤣