MovieChat Forums > Switchstar

Switchstar (80)


Trump supporters be all like..... MAGA fans launch a GoFundMe to help Trump pay $355M fine MAGA fans launch a GoFundMe to help Trump pay $355M fine Wouldn't it have been funny if Charlie had been farting throughout the movie? One thing that didn't make sense about Avatar 2. *AVATAR 2 SPOILERS* If you were stuck at the top and confirmed there was no way to get down, what would you do? What do YOU think it was?! *NOPE SPOILERS* Despite the characters doing illogical things A Quiet Place II is good. *SPOILERS* I really hate how people say that Daniel is the real bad guy. Why was the original film crew so evil? View all posts >


"Gee? Sounds reminiscent of the 2020 Election where the Democrats would do almost anything to win, including concocting a Pandemic with China so they could rig the mail in ballot system along with voting" LMAO omg, you poor thing! You need some serious help. "The judges personal bias towards Joe Biden, his daughters close affiliation to the entire administration" You do know that it was the jury that decided that Trump was guilty and not the judge or his daughter, right? You still actually believe that the election was stolen in 2020? Seriously? What kind of dumbass are you? Trump lost over 60 court cases during his attempts to overturn the results of the 2020 election, many of them presided over by judges appointed by Republicans or even Trump himself. Not one found sufficient evidence of fraud that could have conceivably overturned the results in one single state, much less the multiple states Trump would have needed to overcome Joe Biden’s electoral college vote majority. Also, let's not forget that Trump's BFF Rudy Giuliani himself straight up said he doesn't have any evidence of election fraud. Trump himself hired two cybersecurity companies, Simpatico Security Systems and Berkeley Research Group, specifically to find evidence the election was stolen. After extensive investigations they both reported back to Trump that there was NO EVIDENCE the election was stolen. It wasn't what he wanted to hear so he conveniently ignores these findings when continuing to lie about a stolen election only he tried to steal. Also, Trump keeps claiming he has “irrefutable evidence” but keeps refusing to show said evidence. What’s the hold up? Why hasn’t he shown it yet? Another thing, can you Trump supporters please explain how they "rigged" the presidential election, but still elected republicans to the House in 2020 ON THE SAME BALLOTS?! The fact is that tens of thousands of voters in swing states split their ballots. They either left the presidential section blank, or voted Biden, and down ballot they voted republican for congress, for State Executive Officers or for State Legislatures. Take Georgia for instance.....TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND voters voted republican all down the ballot but voted Biden or ignored the presidential election. Republican congressmen got 33,000 more votes than Trump! And look at Wisconsin....Trump lagged Wisconsin’s five GOP congressmen by 63,547. Were they FRAUDULENT VOTES? Do you now see how dumb you sound? Cope. Your tears get more delicious the more you cry. A traitor? No, Trump is the traitor for openly backing Putin for the invasion of Ukraine. Please keep crying. Your tears are delicious! Did you seriously just call this movie mediocre? Lol for the longest time I always thought he said "I'm involent!" Jesus Christ, this is one of the saddest posts I've ever read. I really, really feel sorry for you. This movie is probably the most disturbing movie I've ever seen lol. It's good though. View all replies >