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It wasn’t just ships, they saw the earth cast a circular shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse. The only shape that can cast a round shadow from every angle is a sphere. Aristotle knew that. They all knew it. Too bad for Columbus, when he tried to sail to the Indies, he was using the Arabic measurement for the Earth which was too small. They should have listened to Eratosthenes. If I remember his measurement of the circumference of the earth was accurate to within like 10%. Not bad for a guy with two sticks and a shadow. Lol They knew. It’s seems some modern people forgot. It was and the Greeks sailed. The Greeks had a navy to fight the Persians. The ancients had other proofs as well. As nyctc7 mentioned the shape of Earths shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse shows the earth must be round. The Greeks certainly knew the Earth was round. Eratosthenes Actually measured the circumference to a fairly accurate degree. Pythagoras 2700 years ago knew the Earth was round. Flat Earth is a newer idea. We seem to be going backwards. 1. Ugly Naked Guy - Friends 2. Sheridan -- Keeping Up Appearances 3) Mrs. Wolowitz - Big Bang Theory 4. Marris - Frasier 5. Sparky -- M*A*S*H 6. George Steinbrenner (NY Yankees baseball team owner) - Seinfeld 7. Richard - Dream On 8. Charlie - Charlie's Angels 9. Norm's Wife - Cheers 10. Mrs. Columbo - Columbo 11. Mission Impossible - the voice on the tape 12. Stanley Walker - Will and Grace 13. Nesta Parks - Oz 14. Wilson - Home Improvement Monster Squad Reminds me of the line from Honkey Tonk Man: Maybe you need some help with your drinking. No I do ok by myself. Heartbreak Ridge has one of my favorite openings ever. https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/gx7fsu/opening_intro_of_the_1986_film_heartbreak_ridge/ What is that supposed to mean? I do like the movie and that’s one of the famous lines from it. Love that movie. You ain’t seen bad yet, but it’s coming. Nothing But Trouble (1991) Towards the end of the Clip in the below link. https://youtu.be/X_r-fur3Zr0 View all replies >