MovieChat Forums > WandererFromYs

WandererFromYs (1791)



Yeah, I know. Why is why I said I’ve seen his videos for years without knowing what his political leaning were. Your reading comprehension skills were really poor last night, are you ok? This guy usually gives dry legal explanation. He leads this video with his bias opinion. He spends the first 30 seconds bashing trump, before saying cry more Donnie. So you know right off the bat that what follows is not going to be objective. There is also an ad in there when he bashes Trumps lawyer, and accuses Trump of sexual assault. I’m sure there is more, but I stopped watching at that point, I hit the thumbs down button and moved on. I was talking specifically about his claim that Trump used campaign funds to pay Storm Daniels, which he did not. Nothing in that cut and paste even addresses that point. It’s just a strawman argument. This is what I responded to. <blockquote>It IS illegal to use money that people donated to a presidential campaign to cover up information that the voting public should be aware of and lie about it.</blockquote> Nice strawman. That has nothing to do with what we are talking about. Not really. I’ve seen video from this guy for years without knowing his political leanings, but his TDS is on full display here. Don’t bother with this one. I think it’s fair to question why an older Evan would go back to that moment, yet somehow still end up in the basement with his shirt off, while the dad was taking pictures. But we do need to speculate to come up with an answer. If we are seeing Evans first trip back, then he didn’t know what happened. He might have just been playing along for a bit before he saw where it was going. Even after it happened, he doesn’t seem sure, he questions Kaylie on it when he looks her up. Or, he may have tried something that didn’t lead to any kind of a solution. Remember this was a 1 time thing for Evan, and he didn’t remember it, so there was no Trauma. But for the other 2 it was 1 time of many. So it’s harder to make a lasting impact. Is it due to lazy writing? I don’t know. The problem is there is an inherent paradox in this type of story. The fact that there is an older Evan to travel back in time suggest that we don’t see the original events in the movie. There is already an adult version of Evan traveling back in time when the movies starts. There can be an infinite number of loops, but we have to jump in somewhere in order to have the movie we have. You are assuming that everything plays out the same way, and the movie suggests that it doesn’t. We don’t know the exact reason Evan traveled back on our first viewing, but the butterfly effect would suggest that it was for a different reason than when we eventually see him do it. His trips back are always well intentioned, and they always end up ruining things for him, or the people around him. You are suggesting that he went back and allowed the trauma to happen. Something else could’ve caused it inadvertently, or maybe he just went back, and wasn’t able to say or do anything that would have a lasting effect. Like the kitchen knife scene. More people are watching because of her. The Indians Fever surpassed they attendance for last year in her first 5 games. Their an average attendance is also more than 4 times higher. Only time will tell if it lasts. Completely opposed? No. I just think they more restrictive, and geared towards the elderly, disabled etc. I don’t think it should be a viable alternative for young able bodied people that just don’t want to work. The fact that the blackouts happen means we aren’t seeing the first time through. Older Evan jumped back, and changed something. Most of the time he screwed up and make things worse, he’s not intentionally letting traumatic events play out. That’s kind of the point of the story. Maybe a weird take, but I’ve thought she was cute ever since I saw her on Gilmore Girls, and I wish she would do more Drama, or more serious roles, because as a comedian, she horribly unfunny and annoying. She has to constantly ramble every time something funny is supposed to be happening, and she never says anything funny. View all replies >