DeckardB26354's Replies

And if you walk a short distance down Holmes Road (Opposite Athlone Street), you'll find their local Cafe on the right on the corner of Holmes Road and Willes Road. Are you scared to type the whole word FAGGOT, don't want to offend do you?! Oi nufsaid16, I'm sure it's your bedtime, toddle off now, and Bob will be up shortly to tuck you in. I remember the fucking dickhead couldn't even pronounce Hereford. I guffawed at that. It flopped because people have had enough of fucking woke girl boss films. Ha Ha, good one. Acting, writing, ... just everything, it's really really dire. I hope Israel eradicates every single one of those hamas terrorist murdering rapist bastards, and fuck the palestinian people who voted the bastards into power. Fuck them all, and I hope that Israel razes gaza to the ground, and pounds the shithole into dust. She was always up for fun and a laugh, and I would have had her as my girlfriend any day of the week. LMFAO, all of the offended getting offended. Fackin' snowflakes. Keep at it Bill. The first thing that come into my mind. He's a fucking woman beating cowardly cunt, and I hope the bastard gets his comeuppance soon enough. I thought it was a Carry On film when I saw the cast, but it was far from it. They all played their parts splendidly, and it was a delight to watch. LMAO, and if you think you can fucking gaslight me just because of my handle, dream on you cock head. Got to have a wee teeny tiny ugly woman in the film who can kick all those muscled males. Or the wokerati would have been up in arms complaining. Ha Ha, the best bit gd5150.... It seems you lot haven't heard of Basil Rathbone or seen him playing the part of Holmes in many Sherlock Holmes films! He is by far the best Holmes, and his sidekick Nigel Bruce also does a fantastic job as Watson as well. 😉 Assault on Precinct 13 The Thing Escape from New York I couldn't have put it any better, well said seagal72.