TheBadgerMan's Replies

Apparently, it's weird guys like Brent that fall for women like that. I'm with you man. Ever since I first saw it, I've been trying to figure out if it's a guilty pleasure or if everyone is wrong about it. Too true. That's always my instinct when grilling. I have to fight myself not to. Great scene. My answer wasn't particularly indicative of how much I liked the film overall. It was exceptional. My beefs with Styles and Murphy were only minor speedbumps on the way to a successful theater experience. But I would like to restate that, although his part was small as you say, it stood out. He played the part of a douche well but it was a little one-dimensional. Haha, alright man. To each, his own. Hot?! She had that weird way of talking. It was the opposite of appealing. Eh, alright. It's a horror movie. I'm not sure there's a way to take it other than literally. I understand that they went back to the King source material and I understand that they didn't cover quite as much ground as they did in the mini-series, but that still doesn't disqualify it. Maybe we could call this first film a re-adaptation or call the new movies a remake series. Those might be truer terms. IT is not an original movie. We've seen it before. That's the important part. I am no help here. I didn't see this gaping plot hole until you pointed it out. I've been scratching my brain trying to explain it but cannot. They didn't even try to keep the cops from checking things out. Their plan to kill the cops would've drawn infinitely more attention on them. Call it scary, call it funny, call it innovative, call it the best movie ever. But it's still a remake. They adapted Stephen King's novel for the screen before and now they've done it again. Yeah, they really drew attention to the teeth in that first scene (or that's where my eyes went). They weren't necessarily scary just dirty and rabbity like you say. I think he uses his youth to his advantage. He acts a little immature like a clown might but also like a child would. It really adds to the creep factor. I haven't seen the Tim Curry version in action but I think the new Bill SkarsgÄrd performance is a worthy successor. He's different. They took away Josh Trank's anthology pic when Fant4stic tanked. Is it a coincidence that Trevorrow loses his job not long after The Book of Henry bombed critically and commercially? Maybe they'll bring Brad Bird back. He's still at Disney. I hope its supposed financial failure won't prevent Shults from making the next project he wants. He's two for two in my book of knocking it out of the park. It's not that violent by today's standards, but it might knaw on you psychologically. There's plenty of inhumanity (and laughs, believe it or not) to go around. I think part of the fun of reading Shakespeare is the challenge of its language. It's technically "Modern English", but it has stylings we're not used to that have been thrown by the wayside in the 400 years since Bill wrote. Unless you're fluent in Ancient Greek (as in the case of Medea) or Old English or whatever antiquated tongue that an old text was written in, you're going to be reading a modern English translation. It's not a fair comparison. Wait, you waited until it was out of theaters but still managed to see it blind? That takes some restraint. The moment ANY legitimate reviews are released, I'm all over them. I think my only hope for enjoying Covenant is to watch it ironically. Ridley Scott is really "Lucasing" his own franchise. I can't say that I've ever read a script, but if you think it's worth the time, I might give it a go. Alien^3 should have been great. To me, the collective works of Scott and James Cameron pale in comparison to Fincher's. I hope you give Covenant a reevaluation. I cannot imagine it being worse than AVPR. I'm with you on Prometheus. But since I was never a huge fan of the franchise, I'm downgrading from seeing Prometheus when it was released on DVD to seeing Covenant when it finally makes it to cable or Netflix. I've enjoyed seeing it lampooned over and over (with reviews from critics, thoughts from friends, and YouTube videos) that I cannot possibly go in with an open mind. AVPR Alien^3 Prometheus AVP Resurrection Aliens Alien And none of the dragons are real characters in their own right. I see them more as extensions of Dany, an emotionless charisma-vacuum. I'm with you on the ending. They found a good spot and a good visual to end things on, but ruined it with the after-credits scene. That said, I wasn't a fan of the rest of the film either. I was hoping for an action thriller, but ended up with a philosophical thriller. Not just a philosophical thriller but a deeply pessimistic one.