MovieChat Forums > RogueDemonHunter

RogueDemonHunter (2653)


Another Nicolas Cage banger Seriously good and absolutely worth your time Sadly another meh entry to the V/H/S franchise Absolute rubbish Wtf has happened with this show? Completely off the rails Absolutely not worthy of the Evil Dead name Practical effects, bad acting and lots of tits Sad to report that Will Smith has stage 6 TDS Who is guilty of the felony of leaking the 34 counts? Congratulations in advance for his POTUS win in 2024 View all posts >


Certainly a contender seeing as I can't recall a single thing about it. You're so fucking cooked. - Trump has made some terrible picks, no doubt. People were fired for a reason - He clearly won but if you count the votes, you can pick the winner. How do you think they're going to explain so many votes for Biden when most of the country hates him? - Maybe that's what's needed. The current system clearly isn't working - Kicking out all the illegals that came into the US illegally is Human trafficking now? looooooool - Oh come on. We all know the MSM conspire to paint Trump a bad guy - You people love whataboutism lol. A nice and easy escape from an uncomfortable truth. It was clearly hyperbole out of exasperation. Like Trump would actually do it. Like he even could... - Of course Trump should be immune from all this BS they're attacking him with. This is 3rd world, banana republic shit - The time period when laws were being enforced, the US was not starting wars all over the world, when things were better. Ask anyone, Biden's administration has been an utter disaster. - I didn't need to. The polls do that. - No he doesn't - He didn't lose, it was clearly stolen. I bet you think Biden will easily win when his approval rating is in the toilet lol - Removing dumb bureaucracy is good - This one is clearly nonsense that you've made up - The press is the enemy of the people when they are one sided and refuse to report facts - Funny how people care about the constitution when it's convenient but other times they think it's outdated... - So we'll be seeing Obama charged for murder for all those civilians he droned? Trump just wants to put the US back to how it was. The majority of Americans support him. I find it absolutely wild that people think Trump was, is or will be a dictator. There is literally zero evidence for it and people are only repeating this nonsense as they've been brainwashed by the media. The same media that gaslight people into thinking Biden isn't a dictator. Pretty much everything they accuse Trump of doing, Biden is doing. Weakening elections, going after political rivals. It's actually insane. What are all these easy to prove facts then? The wiki page is a thinly disguised hit piece. Go on, tell us how the pyramids were built lol. "A matter of taste" lol. I can tell you smoked a lot of crack then if you think it comes down to taste. S1 worse than S3? lol. How much crack did you smoke before typing that? Season 1 is a masterpiece. Easily the best season by a million miles. Are we watching the same news? Every day, it seems some big company is dumping 10s of thousands of jobs lol... View all replies >