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she was in THE NICE GUYS, and now MEAN GIRLS. this was interesting where to watch? i was impressed what a shitty ending standard 5/10 ending? pretty damn funny terrible hilarious View all posts >


ive hated her in every role i hate her face, have since "enough" it was odd, silly, but not "lol" funny exact same, to me, as Unfrosted 6.5/10 workaholics he was great in rainman its alright, kinda G rated silly kinda cute-goofy-funny, but not lol-funny for me i think lots of people are rating it a 1 cuz theyre sjws pissed at jerry saying leftists killed comedy plus hes a jew and theyre blaming all jews for israel hitting back hard at palestine i'd love it if the sjws left the politics out of it, then i wouldnt feel the need to post this political part i hated this movie its hard to enjoy a film when u dont care about any of the characters everyone was a trashy idiot thelma and louise on lesbian steroids and i can appreciate a good lesbian romance - this wasnt one probably how she felt all steroided up pointless lame i would not respect him more if he was heavily steroided she sucked, and was unpleasant to look at. good movie but she took away from it a bit View all replies >