Bubbathegut's Replies

Another woke flop, not too surprised. I am still waiting for my bj from Madonna. Good ole Sleepy Joe. He will fix America one nap at a time. Wow, I am surprised actually. The previous 4 winners were all POC's. What about that other guy? the train to freedom So you were the porn fairy! I knew it! haha I did, it was usually Penthouse or Playboy. Welcome to 1000 questions! haha All the Banthas died. Trumps of the air, ground and sea unite to form Mega Trump. Still love it and still laughing, years after and dozen of views since the first. "We are small and we took some pictures with doves." Awesome! Million of Trumps. This is something we never talked about in political science class!!!! Nice summary, I have been wanting to watch this. Let us know how Season 2 goes. Before 2022, Russia occupied 42,000 km2 (16,000 sq mi) of Ukrainian territory (Crimea, and parts of Donetsk and Luhansk), and occupied an additional 119,000 km2 (46,000 sq mi) after its full-scale invasion by March 2022, a total of 161,000 km2 (62,000 sq mi) Size of Ukraine. 149.16 million acres calculated that Ukrainian forces had liberated an area of 74,443 km2 (28,743 sq mi) from Russian occupation 62000 - 28000 = 34,000 sq mi or 1/64th It is curious. Not one person is calling for a ceasefire. No students are protesting, there is no nothing. Its been 2 years and all those sanctions have had no effect. At this point we are just wasting out money. It would be easier to negotiate a cease fire, create a DMZ and call it a day. Well of course. Democrats are double tonged heathens. So I was right. Russia is only occupying 1/64th of Ukraine. What is 1.56% as a fraction? Solution: 1.56 as a fraction is 39/25. This is from Google. 1.56% as a fraction in simplest form Solution: 1.56 as a fraction is 39/25. Again from Google. https://www.calculatorsoup.com/calculators/math/percent-to-fraction-calculator.php Percent to Fraction Calculator Enter a Percentage 1.56 % Answer: =392500 Showing Work: 1.56%=1.56100 =0.0156 =0.01561×1000010000 =15610000 =392500