MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

[quote]The show needs to go back to how it used to be[/quote] Current events? Yeah, they're gone. They release back issue specials now and again as I see them on the news stands, but my sister in law used to get me a subscription for Christmas many years ago. The last ten years got real bad - they were more interested in taking one sided political potshots than being funny, so I asked her to stop. Remember when MAD was actually funny? 'twas a long time ago... [quote]Dementia Joes Gaffe-Filled Interview Raises Eyebrows[/quote] Again? Honestly, you could have made a new thread almost weekly for the last 3.5 years and posted a different interview. I say "almost weekly" because he doesn't give interviews every week. EDIT: just read the link. Here's a beaut: [b]When asked about his foreign policy priorities, Biden said he was "desperately focused on making sure that we deal with the ... what they are calling the south now."[/b] Go get an ice cream cone Joe.. He could be, but even us out-of-touch old fuckers know that truths can't be woked away. Apparently not. Yeah, but then you'd be as old as me. RuPaul would make a better Ginger. Not anymore - damned FDA.. hallucinogenic from what I've read. I used to get my mind reading seeds in the back of comic books along with my supply of drooling gum, sea monkeys, and X-Ray glasses! You *knew* Barbara Gordon was never going to be white. Was the character even straight or did they check that box (sorry for that pun) as well? One of the few movies they could legitimately have a chick in it, and they cancelled it! They should have made her gay.. [quote]I hope you don't mean me..[/quote] Who else could he possibly mean? Because she helped elevate a *women's* sport and her hoop talent is less than a typical high school boy's talent. Yawn. Cancer is a motherfucker. Understood. I'm also jealous. Did she sell them? I think if I had only read the script, I would be underwhelmed, but there's something magical about the movie that sticks in my mind many years later. Agree, but it troubles me that a lot on the right are behaving like those that are traditionally left. [quote]I'm as conservative as they come, and I consider Laura Loomer to be an unserious fringe personality.[/quote] Same. <blockquote> She had vaginal abrasions that the medical examiner said was consistent with rape.</blockquote> His opinion certainly, but it could also indicate vigorous or rough sex - not exactly unheard of. What did the defense expert say? She also said she told Tyson she wasn't on birth control and asked him to pull out, which he did. Not saying that wouldn't happen during a rape, but it's suspicious. <blockquote>People also witnessed her leaving Mike's room crying</blockquote> Could mean anything. <blockquote> and touched her inappropriately days earlier (this wasn't presented in court because it was considered prejudicial)</blockquote> With good reason. One person's "inappropriate" could mean he touched her shoulder. <blockquote>Mike tried to rape the 11yo niece of one of his trainers when he was in his teens,</blockquote> <blockquote>he also attempted to rape Bill Cosby's daughter,</blockquote> And was unable to physically complete the attack in either case? If we change "rape" in either of those sentences to "have sex", it might make more sense and fit his boorish mentality. I wasn't there, nor was I at the trial - what i know I just kind of picked up from various news bits over the years. Maybe if I was on the jury I would have voted for conviction, but there seems to be an awful lot of doubt that doesn't clear the bar for me to put someone away.