MovieChat Forums > forlorn_rage

forlorn_rage (145)



This thread about biting into the celery sticks has gotten more replies than a lot of the "deeper" classic film threads I come across! 😂😂😂 <blockquote>[–] smurky 8 years ago " Mentally Challenged " ??? " The Idiot " ??? " Coterie of Clowns " ??? You don't need to be calling these people names just because they don't happen to agree with YOU ....The purpose of a Message Board is to share ideas and that is all they were doing. You should show a little class and apologize.</blockquote> Here, here! Ridiculous to be insulted for discussing someone's potential sexuality. Not to mention the problematic aspect of finding the idea of an LGBTQ character insulting to begin with! <blockquote>[–] wildchipmunk 16 years ago I think the whole point of this was to show the hypocrisy: Fanny had NEVER truly been a faithful wife. Not in the physical sense, but had never loved, cherished or nurtured Job in any way. Or their child either for that matter. Job slept with other women but still (for God only knows what reason) truly loved Fanny. He was faithful to her in his heart. She was ONLY faithful to him with her body because, as another poster pointed out, she was still childlike and probably never had those physical desires. That's just my take. </blockquote> Excellent post! I agree completely! But, Bill Skarsgard did the remake of It and it was massively successful. His Pennywise has even become iconic in its own way (not to take away from Tim Curry's fantastic performance). <blockquote>It's much easier to say that only white people have nostalgia for those days. Back then, all minorities were treated bad, and that is saying it politely.</blockquote> Add women/females, women/females of color, LGBTQ population, pacifists, poor, non-capitalists, etc. Pretty much anyone not a cis,, white, hetero, privileged male. All these people waxing nostalgic for a time that only *they* would've benefitted make me sick. Esp. the ones who didn't actually EXPERIENCE the time period, so they're literally talking out their asses. I want to slap the shit out of these latter losers in particular! <blockquote>Crime is out of control, especially in big cities, the result of policies of people with certain political agendas.</blockquote> And this is based on... What exactly? *Actual* crime, statistics, actual witness accounts from people the so-called "big cities" with "political agendas" you mention? (neither of which you have bothered to specify)... Or is it purely your "feelings" and personal perceptions?... Considering the jarring contrast between bold claims and lack of facts and very vague, lazy descriptions, I'm gonna go with the latter and hard pass on your immature, irresponsible <i>trust me bro</i> rhetoric. <blockquote>[–] repete66211 16 years ago I was rooting for Anne, but then she's not the domestic type. I mean, she has a job! She is the caricature of the Progressive, Modern Woman, meaning she is not fit to be a wife. Kathy is the caricature of the subservient, meek but kind woman who would make a much better wife and mother. </blockquote> Actually, it wasn't that unusual for women to work as long as it was either out of necessity (lower class) or purely as a hobby (upper class). What was unusual about the portrayal of Anne was that she was successful, in charge, and content (emphasis on content). What are your thoughts and experiences with the show? <quote>[–] mechajutaro (2560) 7 days ago "But, when I witnessed Maude, a cis-white, hetero, upper-middle class loudmouth, obnoxious old hag telling an old Chinese man about racism and how to act about it was unbelievable and unbearable!" Consider yourself fortunate that she never gave in to her urge to tell the audience of picking the scabs, so that pus could drain out and provide ample lubrication, whenever she and a fella decided to hop into bed </quote> I'm guessing there is a story behind that... I would very much love to hear it. Here, here! I'd also like to add how dare he lecture the secretary about Antisemetism and how to handle it?! He's just playing Jewish whereas she lives it! Her life isn't a project that she can quit in number of months unlike Phil! It's so ignorant and patronizing! I stopped watching <i>Maude</i> for that very reason. It's a very outdated, backwards show in many ways. But, when I witnessed Maude, a cis-white, hetero, upper-middle class loudmouth, obnoxious old hag lecturing an old Chinese man about racism and how to cope with it was unbelievable and unbearable! View all replies >