MovieChat Forums > db20db

db20db (16374)


This movie... Underrated "Another one bites the dust..." (Spoiler) "And here's a happy little tree..." Stir of Echoes Remembering Christina Grimmie.... View all posts >


You're parroting me again with your sheep reference. And again, struggling with originality, dumb shit? Oh, so they were false entries because they were logged as "for services rendered" instead of "reimbursement for NDA". 🙄 Damn, you're a petty, nitpicky, sanctimonious, brainwashed sheeple. "You're not bored." Right. You know my state of mind better than I do, creep! I'm going to humor your idiocy for a bit here because I'm presently bored. I see you copied my words of "pissing away." Is it a struggle for you to have any originality, critical thinking skills? Because that's what it was, idiot, 34 checks that a billionaire signed. Like the good, brainwashed sheeple that you are, you're relying on the shock value of "34 felony convictions." Oh, so now, according to your twisted thinking, Trump is accountable for Cohen's penchant for being a chronic liar. Hah! You're alleging that Trump was a co-conspirator and Cohen was the ringleader of a conspiracy, when elsewhere, you've consistently maintained it's all Trump's fault? 🙄 Could you possibly contradict yourself anymore"? Make up your fuckin' mind, you pseudo-intellectual, fuckin' idiot! He always wants a cold one. So do I. It's especially rewarding after some yard work in the summertime. 😁🍻 What's with all this emphasis with the "34 times"? They were just 34 checks he signed, something very routine for a billionaire businessman on any given day. "It's Trump's fault..." So you're one of the idiots who faults Trump for following the advice of his council, who became the "star witness" to have him prosecuted, for making reimbursement payments for something he chose to do on his own. You're choosing to ignore that Cohen was a chronic liar, was convicted of perjury and other crimes and did actual prison time. There's your real "convicted felon." Trump's verdict will undoubtedly get reversed on appeal. Yup! This is some of Bragg's handiwork. Illegal migrant punks, flipping off the media after having assaulted NYC cops and then released without bail, immediately back into the streets. Sure! They left it up to the jury to decide with a multiple choice situation of three "could be" options. And they didn't even need to be unanimous with their choices. Since when is the guesswork of "could be", proving a case beyond a reasonable doubt? Since this case. "While campaigning, Bragg made a point of HIGHLIGHTING his experience investigating the Trump family." He followed that up by boasting he had sued them over 100 times. If it's so "particularly easy to debunk", show me a source to support your point of view. In the meantime, I don't feel the least bit embarrassed, dumb shit! Only a writer could make these clever, creative, abstract connections. 😉 You should watch this: His regenerating shark tooth applied to humans was one of his best, if not his ultimate prank. View all replies >