fatdogtavern's Replies

Didn't he say that nobody hates President Trump more than he does but that the whole Russian conspiracy thing is a joke and a lie? So eyeDEF, you're saying that since the ban did not extend to SA that it is NOT a muslim ban as the left would have us believe? Thanks for clearing that up! As far as a "trade war" that's never going to happen. Dem's know NOTHING about making an economy productive. http://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/trumps-tariff-on-steel-aluminum-defended-by-wilbur-ross-as-pro-jobs In Trump We Trust! Be honest, don't you feel so much better with him in charge than with BO at the helm? That's true, but Gallup polls all voters, not just likely voters and let's be serious, who cares what people who have no intention to vote, think? Yes Sir, Doggie has rounded the bend. Life is to short to argue with insane people. He needs help. I'm not getting paid to do that so I'm just blocking him from here on out. As a lifelong republican who voted for President Trump once and who plans to again, I fully support taking guns away from insane folks who threaten others (I own 2 AR's and multiple handguns and am a card carrying member of the NRA). As a democrat I would think this would worry you. If due process can be put aside for one so called conservative group, just imagine how many places it can be used against the left! http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/year-one-list-81-major-trump-achievements-11-obama-legacy-items-repealed/article/2644159 "Your thread title is very misleading..." Perhaps, but I could never hope to rise to their level of abject deceit. Everything a liberal and especially a liberal news source touches is turned to shit. You'd think I worked at CNN or something! Agreed, but since only about half of Americans vote, there is something to be said about polling likely voters instead of just everyone over 18 (half of which will not vote). And only 37% voted in the 2010 midterms! So a blanket phone calling technique would only get 1 voter out of three polled. According to Rasmussen: "To reach those who have abandoned traditional landline telephones, Rasmussen Reports uses an online survey tool to interview randomly selected participants from a demographically diverse panel." Personally, I have never voted democrat in 30 years and I have not bothered to have a house phone in almost 10 years. "Not sure about what you're posting." http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_feb27 Maybe Michelle Obama could be the new Peter Quill? President Trump is gonna ROLL to re-election victory. Then hopefully states like California will leave the union. President Trump's re-election victory in 2020 is going to make Ronald Reagan's re-election in 1984 look like a squeaker by comparison. The way that President Trump's poll numbers are rising and the ever improving economy, both nationally and at the dinner table bode well for President Trump's re-election and possible ascension to King of America. That's a lifetime title, but never fear, when he does finally step aside, Ivanka can take over for him. Agreed. If you defend Woody Allen in any way you are a monster, just like him. "She was not her adoptive daughter, neither they had any parent-daughter relation". No, she WAS the adopted mother. According to Wikipedia: "In 1978 FARROW and André Previn adopted Soon-Yi Previn, who had been abandoned in the slums of Seoul". "Indeed, she was 19". She did not have a birth certificate so there is no way to say exactly how old she was. Estimates based on a bone scan put her age between 17-19 at the time the pornographic photos were taken. If you want to defend Woody then go ahead and say she was 19. I find them man unredeemable so I will say she was 17. "You're one of those miserable people who has to turn everything into a hunt for the liberal left angle." That's because liberals are such horrible subhuman filth. Shall we bring up the incident with Mia's other daughter Dylan? According to Wikipedia: "According to court testimony, on August 4, 1992, Allen visited the children at Mia Farrow's home in Bridgewater, Connecticut, while she was out shopping with a friend.[159] The following day, that friend's babysitter told her employer that she had seen Allen behaving inappropriately with Dylan.[167] When Farrow asked Dylan about it, Dylan alleged that Allen had touched Dylan's "private part" while they were alone together in the attic.[159] One woman employed to care for Farrow's children said that for about 20 minutes that afternoon she had not known where Dylan was, while a second said that, at one point, Dylan had been wearing no underwear under her dress.[167] Farrow told Dylan's pediatrician, who informed authorities."