Satan2016's Replies

Overtime: John Waters, David Axelrod, Ken Buck Lizard People are the logical outcome on desert planets. Obvious choice for races on Star Trek: Vulcans/Romulans are Asians, Klingons are African, Ferengi are Jews, Humans are White supremacists. Trailer Breaks Record As Most Watched Ever For Disney Animated Pic With 178M Views In 24 Hours Sure to win Thanksgiving weekend. Only Americans and Muslims are so prudish about nudity. Strange that both like violence too. Must be something to do with their religions! Another fuckin troll! Delete your account! I don't click on troll's links! All the MC bigots are triggered! You are very disturbed! S2 now available. Imdb much higher at 5.7. Metascore 37 from 26: Not woke, moron! Pathetic loser triggered by reality! Last two movies have Imdb rating near 8, only Mad Max 2 comes close. Pathetic loser triggered by reality! Last two movies have Imdb rating near 8, only Mad Max 2 comes close. More famous for his beer. No, the VAX! I don't trust Cannes reviewers on this sort of American film. Will wait for the US reviews. Bawling manbabies even before first reviews! Same applies if you cast a 80 year old geezer as the lead of a big action film. If common sense is bothering you then get a lobotomy. You have to pay for ads on TV, so he does it free on Utoob.