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wanton87 (934)


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True. Chuck probably would have been better off having remained a bachelor. John Muir was another one with the wandering foot. He was rarely with his family at his home in Martinez CA, and was often traipsing about in places such as Yosemite. I heard about this the other day. That’s too bad. I personally thought that she was quite pretty when she was in little house. <blockquote>WD-40 didn't exist until the 1950s</blockquote> Good to know. You learn something new here everyday. But just so that you know. I was just being silly 😉 <blockquote>I never remember her being talented, funny, or good looking. She's always seemed like an annoying loudmouth to me. </blockquote> Don’t disagree with anything that you’ve said. But if you go back far enough, there was a time when she was kinda just “okay looking”. Yeah, I think the first time that I saw the robot cry, I lost all hope for the show 😂 Yes, I’ve heard before both versions of Jonathan Harris personal life. But I think it was probably the shrill, flamboyant persona that he adopted in the later camp episodes, that cemented these rumors. People also thought he was British. Then again, everyone sounded British in old Hollywood 🙂 True. Dr Smith was actually an evil genius in the first season, that you could take seriously. I’ve heard Bill Mumy on Coast To Coast Am a few times. Seems to be a likable and talented guy. Also seems to age slowly. Batman, even with the camp, was such a great, and cutting edge 60’s show! I would think the other site has gone as far as it will ever go. <i>Lost In Space cast posing for goofy photo after being spoofed by Mad Magazine</i> (Titled: “Loused Up In Space.” Issue number 104, dated July 1966) I’m a fan of the show as well, Gamey. I read once that the reason that the show deviated from its first season as a serious Sci Fi show, and went down the road to “Camp” was due to the Campy Batman series taking ratings away from it. Agreed about the other site. Perhaps no more than 30 regular posters, and perhaps 50 to 75 very part time posters, at most. Yo G! Funny, because I only check in at this site about once a day in the morning to see if I got any messages. But I happened to check in just now, and saw that you had just replied. Hope you're well 🙂 😂 <blockquote>Somehow I missed the reason why they were living there</blockquote> As I recall, the Ingalls were having a tough time making ends meet in Walnut Grove, so they sold their farm to the Carter’s, and moved to the big city. I think that the idea was for Charles to bring Albert back to WG, to get him away from the bad crowd that he was hanging out with, and to get cleaned up. I generally didn’t care for the character of Albert, but thought that he did a first rate job of playing an addict in these episodes. <blockquote>What big city is there in Iowa?</blockquote> This is where there’s a bit of a goof. The “big city” that they were said to have moved to, was supposed to be Burr Oak Iowa, which I’m pretty sure is still a small town to this very day. This is also where there’s an overlap between the real life Ingalls family, and the television Ingalls. The real Ingalls family indeed lived in Burr Oak Iowa for a year. They left Walnut Grove and moved there to help their friends run The Masters Hotel. They were unhappy there, and missed their friends in Walnut Grove, so they moved back. View all replies >