What a crappy gun

If the dad had had a better gun when he shot the kid, that fired more than one shot at a time, the problem might have been dealt with then and there. But no. This is what gun grabbing will get you. Death to the Human race.


Give me a break, the first shot didn’t give him a scratch.


Wow, Daddy you bring me a super nice shiny custom AR15 from a states fair? Thats awesome for our hunt!


I regret having a Dad who never splurged on any ordinance more expensive than a machete for me. Though my regrets almost certainly pale, in comparison to those of Suzy Schieldecker's parents, who lived down the street from us at the time. Thanks to my pops being a cheapskate, they had to pay the mortician a small fortune to reassemble her limbs, before they could chunk Suzy into the ground. Things would've been less messy for all of us, had my own father just bought me a 9mm instead


What the hell are you talking about? He could have shot him 100 times and it wouldn't have made any difference.
