MovieChat Forums > Chernobyl (2019) Discussion > Why was the Soviet Union so comically ev...

Why was the Soviet Union so comically evil?

>If you don't do what I say, I'll have you shot
>If you are an important person, we must have people follow you at all times to ensure you don't say or do anything wrong
>Who cares about the people? Preserving the reputation of the country comes first.

It's like something out of a comic book.


It’s like something out of the communist playbook. And it’s what the Democrat media/party and their lemmings strive for.

- Vaccine passports
- get vaccinated or else
- Dont talk about anything not approved by communist Democrat party social media or you’re cancelled.

Communists being communist.


Lol, take your meds and look what's happening in russia today and what they do in ukraine!


why on earth do you type the idiot "lol"???




You are an uninformed person. The vaccines work, and getting them gives you and yours a level of protection beyond doing nothing. As for the passports, that's something an anti-vaxer dreamed up.

There is no similarity between communism and the Democrats, other than they both espouse socialism -- communists in a totalitarian way and Democrats as a choice.



I haven't been to Europe to see my family in years cuz i refused to take this mcfranklinvax or shove shit in my nose (unless it get me high😎) This summer I am going back and securing my Serbian and Polish passport and citizenships I am entitled to from my parents birth so I can travel freely next plandemic. Never took one test or one shot the whole pandemic and glad to be living Big Pharma free


Well that aged well. Another Democrat dumbass who was completely wrong. As usual.


He would respond but there is no interwebby at the cemetery.


you are missing a G in your nickname


Yep, we do it so much smoother and less comically.


It's not far from the truth... It is a well-known fact that for any ideology to work, you need to control the masses. The fewer people you have the easier the populace is to control. Hence, the people at the top of the hierarchy simply had dissenters shot. We can see this today with the Covid crisis. The powers that be are after a one-world government and to first achieve this they need population control. And what better way than introducing a mass vaccination program that kills off millions whilst pertaining to save many more.


Not far from the truth?
Reality was worse, even.

Murder, torture, abductions, blackmailing... they stopped at nothing.
The German "Democratic" Republic (GDR/East Germany) was a good example for that.
The shit their secret police and government pulled is not different from what the Nazis did.

Little fun fact I noticed just last night:
In episode 4, I believe, when Legasov was initially detained, he was lead into an isolated room while escorted by guards.
When he enters the room, he immediately looks behind the door. Why?

Because this was a soviet execution method back then.

The person to be executed was lead under false pretense (or with no information at all) into an "empty" room where the executioner was waiting behind the door, hiding, with a pistol. As soon as the person entered, the executioner would close in silently and shoot the person in the back of the head from close distance before the person turns around/understands what is happening.
The socialists, unsurprisingly, considered this "more humane". Personally, I consider it to be the opposite.
They take everything from you and then they do not even grant you the dignity to know when exactly you will be murdered and thus give you the chance to look back at your life in your final moments.

This was called "unexpected near shot" and was practiced in the GDR after they got rid of the Guillotine in the 60s and I am pretty sure elsewhere across the soviet realm as well. According to what I know, this was done after "soviet example", so it most likely originated in the Soviet Union and would explain why Legasov knows about this and kinda expects it at that moment.

That is my interpretation of this scene at least.
It cannot be coincidence that he looks behind the door immediately, nothing is coincidence in film and I wouldn't know why else he'd check what's behind the door immediately.


Very insecure regime

Apparently, Monarchy was the same

Then again, I just read how the 2nd half of the Roman Empire's reign proceeded and it looks like every emperor was either assassinated, killed in war or died due to disease/plague -
