Spoiler alert

Why did they do this to Buck's character? And Lou Ferrigno Jr playing the role of Tommy... come on guys. I don't want to see that.


I have absolutely no issue with gay characters what so ever. I'm happy to see representation, especially of bi people. But...come on. There have been no indications ever in the 6 seasons, nothing building up to it, so why? Why couldn't they have kept with the strong friendships between men? I think that this is one of the reasons why society is so against men having bonds with each other. People can be friends without wanting to be "with" them. We've already had this story with Michael.

I usually get bored with tv shows after about 5 seasons. I kept with this for season 6, I don't know if I'm going to make it through season 7. It has nothing to do with the sexuality of the characters, I think I'm just done.


I have no issues with the insinuating the gay stuff, I just don't want to see it. Nor do I want to see any regular make it scenes between the heterosexual. I am just tired of such a hypersexualized world. I doubt that I will keep going


I noticed a huge fan base for Buck and Eddie to get together which for me rings odd, as I can see Buck being open but I dont see Eddie at all. So I think the idea got to the writers ears as they're exploring this topic on Buck.


I never saw it coming. Nor do I like it.


Totally agree!


I’m pissed off about this. Aren’t there enough gay characters on the show already ?


Apparently they think the world is gay. I don't like it. So much for balanced
