Is it Still Terrible?

Gave up halfway through season two.


I watched the first 2 seasons and was done. This show is an embarrassment to the name Star Trek. I'm sure it still sucks.



Oh yeah, each season (and even each episode) is exponentially worse. Last 2.5 seasons I've just been hate-watching it to see just how bad bad can get.


It occurred to me to do that. Watch it so I could hate. But it's so bad, that I couldn't stomach it. Paramount should be ashamed to call this Star Trek.


It's getting worse and worse. I'm watching it only because Tilly gets fatter and fatter and I want to see what happens if she doesn't fit through the doors anymore.


Also does the ship still have a crew. I just figured eventually super Burnham...I mean Captain Burnham would start sailing through the universe on her own single handedly solving all the questions and saving the day.
