MovieChat Forums > Medici (2016) Discussion > Annabel Schoely/ Contessina de Medici

Annabel Schoely/ Contessina de Medici

Is the best part of this series.
Trust me, this lady is beautiful and talent.
Hope to see her in more interesting projects.


She was perfect. Her relationship with Cosimo was everything I hoped for.

#TheXFiles #BreakingBad #Lost #Hannibal #Fringe #River #Utopia #TwinPeaks #POI


I agree her relationship with Cosimo/ Richard is very well acted it actually got me rooting for the couple. Great chemistry together.


I agree, I thought they had really good chemistry considering that their relationship was not all sunshine and roses.


The only "chemistry" they had was coming from her direction.

She had to do some heavy lifting to make the audience like that couple, as the actor who played Cosimo may as well been in a medically induced coma for most of the show.


Weird green contacts though. Why did they do that...


Weird contact? Her eyes are green :\


No they're not. She was wearing contacts the entire show.


I feel like this was the HD trap. In the past you could sort of get away with contacts to change eye color but it is SO OBVIOUS in HD. So distracting. Maybe they were trying to legitimize the eye color of the kid? I don't know, but it was terrible and a complete distraction from a great performance.


Believe me her contacts, as distracting as they were, are no where near as creepy as the ones Jenna Coleman had to wear for Victoria. *shudders*

Annabel is a fine actress and I hope this show leads to bigger things for her.


Didn't realise they had boob implants in the 15th century..😀
